My Cool Life: Part 2

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  • Dedicated to Amida, Grandad Gabe, Grandad Meyers, Grandmother Cheng

So continuing where we left off.

My mom, yes, met my dad at Yale.

And they got married around, 4 years later, after graduating undergraduate school at Yale. (I'm sorry if i got the whole college system wrong, I never payed attention to this kind of stuff. Basically, theyy both got their bachelors'.) Amida, Grandma Cheng, Grandad Gabe and Grandad Meyers got mad at them.

Sorry, my bad.

Mad is an understatement.

I actaully thought that my grandparents would disown them.

I feel sorry for my mother. Because one, her dad already got mad at her for not being a lawyer, and two,

because Amida and Grandad Gabe wanted dad to finish his doctorial degree at medicine, and

Grandma Cheng and Grandad Meyers wanted their perfect, sorry, 'perfect', daughter to focus on her studies and get married when she is like, an old woman sitting on a rocking chair telling her grandkids the story of how she got dumped by her previous 599 boyfriends which never existed, but NO.

They got married when Mom was 20 1/2 and Dad when he was twenty two. (Twenty two-oo oo-oo! Sorry, getting off topic!) Then, two top it ALL off, they had my older sister, Gillianne, only 7 years later, and Mom was trying to get her doctorate's degree. Dad had to go to Yale all day and night sometimes, so they couldn't care for her properly. So, the best thing they could do was send Jill (Her nickname, FYI) to my grandparents'.

OK, Just so you know, my grandparents practically lived across the streets from one another. And they lived a long way away, somewhere around Nashville, Tennessee.

My parents finally finished college and got their Doctorate degrees together 2 years later, and by the time they finished, (let's just say that they never even bothered to go visit Jill as they were so busy), Jill was two.

Ok; now, a little background info about Gillianne: Gillianne Agustine Quinn is beautiful. The COMPLETE opposite of me. Like, picture America's Next Top Model 50x prettier, and you picture Jill. I always thought she looked more on the Italian/ French side, than on the Asian side. In fact, you would get a heart attack and die if she told you she was Half-Chinese. The only way she seems a bit Asian is of her intelligince. Jill has Raven-Black natural very un-frizzy soft, waist length curly hair. And I mean, midnight. Like. Pure-black.Her eyes are ocean blue, a characteristic from Dad. Her eye-lashes are at least half-inch long, and she is as curvy as heck. Her skin is pale with only the slightest of the slightest of the slightest of tan. Her fingers are long, which probably explains why she can play piano with ease. The only problem remains on her height, she is 5'3, thanks to Mom, who is 5'4 1/2. But, Jill has never dated anyone from her entire history of life even though boys all swoon over her.

And i mean like, ever never.

So, back to my parents.

When they finally got Gillianne back, man, my granddy's (what I call my grandparents) were fuming, and it was because it was not their child, it was my parent's, and also because they hadn't even bothered to go visit them and Jill. So, My parents took Gillianne, apologized, and left back to Yale University.

They moved out of their dormitory a week later. After all, they hardly needed it anymore and could start their own lives. Well, the world is much more complicated than it seems like.

When my parents left Yale, they were broke.

And I mean like, dead poor. My grandparents wouldn't even give them a loan because they were still steaming about Gillianne.

My Dad started looking for jobs around New Haven while my mom took care of Gillianne, because my dad really could not risk flying across the country to get a job. It wasn't until like, a month later when one of his friends took him, Mom, and Jill out of their misery. (Misery is another understatement). His friend was visiting Dad because they used to have classes together at Yale, and his wife was Mom's friend, AND he visited because he lived in Beverley, where I am today. So he flew across the country to see Dad.

Well, you can guess what happened.

Dad's friend. (Sorry I cannot mention his name because it is 'classified' and he prohibited it), offered Dad a job at the hospital he was working in as well as a $10,000 loan to make us a living. He said the hospital needed a new Gastroentrologist, and hoped that Dad could start there.

Dad refused both the loan and the offer because the loan, well, I mean, it's $10,000. What do you expect? And the offer because one, his parents wanted him to be a Cardiologist, and they were mad enough at him, and two, because he was a little bit more interested into cardiology.

So, after Dad's friend begged for twenty-four kajagabillion years, he finally gave up (Dad's friend) and returned to Beverley Hills with his 5-month pregnant wife.

Well, then we start on Rickery William Quinn (We call him Rick or just Rickie), my dear old God-help-him-please brother.

Around a month after Dad's friend returned to Beverley, well, Dad was still desperately trying to find a job and ended up as a factory worker for packaging foods. It got even worse as Mom was pregnant with Rickie. So, taking the 'big' leap, he moved Mom, Gillianne, and Rickery to Beverley Hills. And so Dad started his training as a Gastroenterologist. You Can probably already imagine my granddies.

Yup, they almost got heart attacks.

Because my mom already had Gillianne, and right after getting her Doctorate's, she had Rickie. And Dad because Amida was working like heck giving Dad Cardiology lessons younger and they were expensive. Like, $600 a class/ for 3 hours expensive, and Dad suddenly changed into being something Amida AND Grandad Gabe hated the most. Yes, they disliked strongly Gastroenterology, errr... at least, the process of it. I never bothered to ask, so please don't ask me why.

So, they practically disowned them.

I know, I know. My granddies were hardly leniant, if leniant at all. And when they meant something for their kids, well, they were strict as bawss.

Right after starting as a Gastroenterologist, Dad started booming up the money.

So, Mom started looking for a job as a orthopedic surgeon.

She got a job in the same hospital.

4 years later, Gillianne had skipped 1st grade and was in 2nd grade at the normal time some people were in kindergarten, at age 6 and learning violin. Rickie was in pre-k at age 4 and learning viola, and Mom was again with child,


Yae life.

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