Livestream Gaming - TodoBaku

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Todoroki and Bakugou would record themselves playing video games and post their content online, but every Friday and Saturday, the two would go live and play fan-picked video games. One of the game requests that they received to play was Paper Might: the Million-Year Gate.

"Hey," Todoroki greeted the audience as the stream began. "Katsuki doesn't know the stream is ongoing. He went to get a glass of water." He booted up the game.

A comment caught Todoroki's eye as he read the slowed chat screen: Bet he's thirsty for you lmao.

The audience of the ash-blonde and heterochromatic student was extraordinarily aware that Todoroki and Bakugou were boyfriends. Although the two were reluctant at first to announce that they were gay and in a relationship with each other, the staggering majority of their community accepted and embraced that.

"I can ask Katsuki if he's thirsty for me," Todoroki replied with his defining insouciance. "Hey, for those of you joining now... Ah, I'll type it in here as well. Katsuki doesn't know I've already started the stream." His expression didn't waver as the door opened and he scrambled to rearrange the tabs and applications open on the computer. "Hey, Love."

Bakugou snuggled up against Todoroki on the soft sofa they shared. "Hey, Babe. Need anythin' before we start? Damn. Title screen's off to a good start." He took a sip of his water before placing the glass on the table on his end of the sofa.

Todoroki shook his head. "I'm good. I do have a question, though."


Still with a blank expression, Todoroki queried, "Are you as thirsty for the water as you are for me?" He tilted his head a bit.

Bakugou nearly spewed the residual streams of water he'd yet to gulp down as he cackled, "Do you even gotta ask? I mean, we got time before—"

A designing smirk emerged from Todorok's lips. "Sorry, they wanted to know." He turned on the camera to reveal Bakugou's look of disbelief to their audience.

"You asshole," Bakugou growled with a loving smile as he curled his fingers around his boyfriend's wrists and playfully flopped the hands of his boyfriend up and down.

Todoroki raised his brows at the ash-blonde. "You did the same to me last week. But what are you doing?" He simply stared at Bakugou's hands that caused his hands to flop.

"I have no fucking idea," Bakugou admitted. "Anyway, I'm back. This asshole started without me. What was the game we were gonna play?"

"Katsuki, I think you have eyes."

"Well, they're too busy lookin' at you. But whaddya mean? You 'think' I have eyes?" He plucked a controller from the floor and popped it into the console.

The student with dual-colored hair leaned against his lover's shoulder and brought an arm around the back of Bakugou's neck. "You commented on the title screen before. I would've thought you read the title of the game. So, maybe your eyes don't work. Ah." He leaned forwards to read a message from a donator. "Thank you for the fifty do—"

"You suck at reading these," Bakugou interjected with a chuckle. "You make it sound so damn casual. C'mon. Give it some oomph."

Todoroki blinked silently a few times. "Thank oomph—"

Bakugou facepalmed. "Sho, not literally. Make it sound like it's the most exciting thing you've ever seen." He patted Todoroki's shoulder.

"Okay." The taller of the two cleared his throat before uttering, "Thank you for the fif—"

"Oh my God, you sound the fucking same, Babe. Lemme do it. Learn from the master, Sh—"

"Oh, really?"

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