Chapter 4

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Wylan hurried down the hallway. Transfiguration was just around this corner... Right? He turned around the corner and found himself facing a dead end. Wylan sighed. Let's face it, he thought. I'm lost.

He turned around to try and backtrack his way to somewhere where people could help him. As he walked down another hallway, he sighed audibly. "Oh, I should've waited for the others. Why did I have to choose today to wake up early?"

Wylan jumped when a voice replied to his question. "I don't know, Wylan. Why did you?" Wylan whipped his head around, searching for the source of the sound. "Wh... Who's there?" A snort. "Wow, years of me saving you and you don't even recognize my voice?"

Wylan hesitated. "... Inej?" The black-haired girl popped her head out of a hole in the ceiling, causing Wylan to scream.

"Who else?" Wylan laughed nervously.

"No one, I suppose. But why are you here?" Inej shrugged, dropping from the roof.

"I knew that you'd be the one to get lost. Kaz doesn't do lost, Jes and Nina will have stayed with the other Gryffindors, and-"

"Matthias goes where Nina goes." Wylan finished. Inej grinned.

"Exactly. Now, follow me. You've been going in circles for the past five minutes, and it's driving me nuts."

Wylan slumped. So that's why all of the hallways looked the same. Inej pointed her wand at the ceiling, causing a piece of metal to cover the hole she'd come out of- wait, no. Thought Wylan. That's a vent grate. Inej caught Wylan's amused look.

"What?" She asked. "They don't call me the Wraith for nothing."

"No, I suppose not," Wylan replied. Inej smiled.

"To Transfiguration we go!" Wylan hesitated.

"How did you know that I had Transfiguration?" Inej cut him a wry glance.

"The Wraith, remember?" Wylan huffed a laugh.

"Of course. Now, let's go!"

"I thought you'd never ask," said Inej, somehow already halfway down the hall.

"Hey, wait for me!" The two friends raced down the hall, getting to the classroom in record time with Inej's newfound knowledge of the school's passageways.

I love Wylan. He's so innocent and frickin' CUTE.

Welp. That was short. I'm working on more as I write this, but I may have made a mistake in deciding to write 3 books at once, especially with in-person school starting up again... oh well. 

Thanks for your support on this book. It really means a lot. 


Just trying to get Kaz's character right for the next chapter. He's so... I don't even know how to describe it. Unique? Complex? That it's taken me at least four attempts to write from his perspective in a way that doesn't want to make me barf. I know that I won't be able to do him or Inej justice, but I'm trying. I'm also doing Kanej, but their relationship is a bit more developed than canonically. Maybe. I'm still new to writing stories, so what's in my mind is kind of different than what's coming out on the page. I might end up re-reading SoC/CC (totally not for the 50th time) to get a better feel for the characters.

Okay, rant over! Now I have to go catch up on homework that I have totally not been neglecting.

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