Chapter 2

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Kaz and Inej followed the other Slytherins down multiple flights of stairs. Inej was looking around, her eyes scanning all of the windows, vents and anything else that might prove useful for sneaking around. Kaz knew that she was going to be spending many nights exploring the place. 

Eventually, the group reached what looked like an old dungeon. They stopped in front of a wall. A student, around their age, cleared his throat and announced "magic over muggles!" Kaz almost snorted. How stereotypically Slytherin. He glanced at Inej, whose expression mirrored his own. She caught his eye and wrinkled her nose. Kaz almost laughed. He knew that they both didn't buy into the Purity of Blood. Both were pure-bloods, though Inej's mom was a half-blood. 

All of Kaz's family, save for him and his brother, Jordie, had been killed by Death Eaters when they had refused to join Voldemort. Jordie was dead now, killed by a bad case of Dragonpox. Kaz had almost joined Jordie, as he had gotten the sickness, but he had survived. The Healers at St. Mungo's had believed Kaz dead, and placed him in the pile of unclaimed bodies to be burned at sea. Kaz had had to use his brother's body as a floatation device in order to return to shore. The whole ordeal had left Kaz unable to make skin-to-skin contact.

Kaz was brought back to reality when they entered the Slytherin common room. Kaz watched Inej's face as she looked around. It only took a few seconds before she frowned. Kaz followed her gaze to the windows, where they could see an eerie green glow, and... fish. Kaz frowned. That was going to be problematic. He once again looked at Inej, who was now considering the vents. Kaz snorted quietly. Inej whipped her head around to look at him. "What?" Kaz grinned mentally. "Oh, nothing. Just... you." Inej's brow furrowed, and then she dismissed the thought. Her attention once again focused on the room. Kaz shook his head and walked to the boys' dorm. He knew that Inej was watching him as he made his way up the stairs. She missed nothing, his Wraith.

I tried to make a wizard-y version of Kaz's backstory, because I really liked that part of Six of Crows. I won't be able to do the characters justice, but I'm trying.

Sorry this chapter is so short! Once again, thank you for reading, and if you have any edits or suggestions, I'm all ears!

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