Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers! This might be the last update for a few days. I'm going on a vacation and I'm not sure that I'll have WiFi. Also, I'm not taking my laptop, but I'll be writing on my phone. Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy the next installment of "Quiffs and Couture". If you like it, please fan, vote, and comment. It brings a smile to my face. :) xxxx Extraordinharry1Dluv


“C’mon, Harry! Time’s a-wasting!” I yelled into the suite, eagerly zipping up my coat. It was our last week in New York City and I was determined to see the Statue of Liberty before our departure. After days of having to model and work, there was finally a free day just for sightseeing.

            “I’m coming, Lauren. Hold on a minute. The Statue of Liberty isn’t going to walk away.” he chastised playfully, walking out while pulling a beanie over his head. I huffed impatiently and beamed when he finally took my hand and walked to the elevator. Paul had given us strict instructions to call him if fans started gathering and told us that he would be in the area.

            We got into the small lift and I bounced on my feet with excitement. Every time I had previously come to New York, I was always working and too busy to see anything. This time, I could go look at historical structures without worrying about getting to the next fashion show or photo shoot. The metal doors parted, revealing a bustling hotel lobby, and I pulled Harry out, impatient to get on our way.

            “Where to first, love?” Harry questioned once we began to walk. The sidewalks were full of busy people; each person bundled up with coats to block out the cold, January air. I pondered our options for a moment before deciding.

            “I’ve got an idea.” I told him before whisking him away to a small café. I didn’t tell him what we were doing until we stood in front of the tall Tiffany & Co. building, scones and coffee in hand.

            “Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Clever.” Harry stated, tweaking my icy nose. We sat in front of the jewelry company’s headquarters and ate breakfast on a bench, our conversation only slowed by the munching of our food. It seemed like something only out of a movie, but then again, so did my life in general. Every day, I got to do the thing I loved and that seemed like a dream to me.

            “And where to now, miss?” Harry asked in a mock-posh voice, taking my hand and strolling aimlessly down the sidewalk. I giggled at his proper façade and thought.

            “The Statue of Liberty!” I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up at the thought of the green woman. He nodded and we walked for a while, a small island coming into view in the distance a while later. I spotted the ferry about to pull away and leave us, so Harry and I started running. My scarf flew around my face and blocked my sight of the boat, but Harry guided me until we got to the long, white and blue boat. The ticket master seemed irked at our tardiness, but let us board nonetheless.

            As the ferry sailed across the rippling water, I leant over the side and enjoyed the spray of the water on my face. My eyes slid shut, anticipating the moment when I would finally see the giant sculpture. While I leant on the railing, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. From the scent of the familiar cologne, I could tell that it was Harry. His chin rested on my shoulder, curls tickling my face as the ferry moved at a fast pace. In the moment, it felt as if we were a real couple, but my mind could only think of the one person I would rather be here with.


            I was worried that when we returned home and the dating ban was lifted, our relationship wouldn’t be the same. I hadn’t seen him for so long that my stomach ached when I thought of him. Constantly, he was in the back of my mind. I wondered what he was doing, how he felt, who he was with, and if he was thinking about me.

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