Chapter 1

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A messy mountain of blankets falls off the bed when a blaring alarm screeches throughout the room. The girl presses a button and her alarm stops, she slaps around for her circular glasses before sliding them onto her button nose. Groggily, she falls off the bed and stumbles into her en suite bathroom. Outside her door, a pounding of footsteps is heard.

"Dori! Get up!"

"I am up!" The short conversation ends as Dori turns on the shower and hops in. The lukewarm water rolls down her body as- I don't have to describe this part right? We all know how showering works, yeah? Personally, I'd choose steaming water. But unfortunately, this story isn't about me. If it was, it would have adventure and dragons and fire and magic and a love-hate romance kinda vibe and all that with a million unique and diverse characters! But the author said no, she said that story would be too hard to write. So instead, here I am! Narrating  Dorina Milena Milani's story.

Anyway, Dori is a fifteen-year-old freshman at Waterford High School. She has light tan skin with dozens of big, dark freckles all over her body. She even has them-

"Hey! Don't tell anyone that!" Dori yells at me with a hint of panic and embarrassment in her soft voice. Sorry, I just thought it would be important to point out!

"It's not!" Okay, okay, jeez. Where was I? Oh yeah, Dori has large, innocent, brown eyes covered by wide, round spectacles. I love using the word 'spectacles,' it makes me sound fancy. Her short, wavy, brown hair ends just below her chin. The very tips are a bleach blonde from when Dori and her sister both bleached their hair last summer. She has four piercings in each ear, two studs, two hoops.

"Again, why is that important?" Dori asks, just trying to make you seem less like an innocent little nerd and more like a badass protagonist; trying to get people interested in you, you know? Dori shrugs, "I mean, I am just a nerd." Pfft! No, you're not! You're so much more! Wait, aren't you supposed to be showering?

"I'm done." Oh. Dori decided to wear a loose baggy, green t-shirt and skinny jeans with her white converse. Around her neck hung her usual shell choker and plastic, crystal necklaces.

"They're not plastic! They're real Amethyst and Citrine! They're for good luck." Dori insists, yep, whatever that 50 cent machine at Dollar Tree told you. Dori huffs and rolls her eyes, "They're real," she mumbles one last time before exiting her room and heading downstairs to breakfast, where Jamie will of course have found time to make a full meal of her favorite breakfast food before his daughters go to school and he and his boyfriend leave for work. Oh yeah, her dads are both bisexual, if you're an asshole and don't like those kinds of people, this is your exit cue. Now you might be confused because if your parents ever gave you the infamous Talk, you'll see what's wrong with the picture. Dori and her sister are biologically related to Hugo Milani, their mother passed away when she gave birth to Dori. Three years later, their dad starts dating James Saunders and they've been together ever since but haven't married due to it being illegal.

"Hey D! I made french toast. Come get some before Livvy uses all the syrup and powdered sugar." Told ya. Dori sits down at her pre-prepared plate and digs in next to her sister. Olivia Socorro Milani has slightly tanner skin than her little sister with fewer and lighter freckles. She has joyful, hazel eyes and straight, shoulder-length, bleached blonde, hair with her natural brown having already grown in some. Liv wore her favorite denim jacket with different buttons and pins on it, over her pastel yellow t-shirt and short, black, shorts. Yikes, how are her dads not scolding her right now? To make up for it, Liv has on thigh-high, black socks, and powder blue converse. Liv was also sporting a powdered sugar mustache, I swear this girl has an obsession. And as usual, Dori's older sister was also the complete opposite of her personality-wise. Where Dori was the introverted nerd, Liv was the extroverted theatre kid with a gazillion friends which, once again, as usual, Dori was also kind of friends with.

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