New Job

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I was born in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul I moved to Bongeunsa-ro, Nonhyeon, Gangnam-gu after graduating college. I drove like around 25 minutes a little more longer because of traffic. I rented an apartment and got myself ready for the first day of work. Before I went to bed I called my mom to let her now I was fine then I called my friend Changmin.

"Hey bro did you just come today?" he asked

"yes four hours ago I think" I said

"Okay I'll come over to your place and I can tell you the best and nearby places close to your job to get a coffe" he said "sure okay good night" I said and hanged up. I was staring at the roof I was nervous, what if the employees and the director don't like me I've worked so hard to get here. I decided not to think more of that and went to sleep. 

Knock Knock it was so loud who could it be this early I thought I got up and opened the door revealing Changmin. "Changmin what are you?" I asked half asleep, "you forgot I was going to show you some coffee places? Wow your such a sleepy head, go on get changed" he said throwing me to my clothes. 

I got some clothes and walked behind Changmin leading to the door, I locked it and walked out of the building with him. "Lead the way" I said "follow me" he said leading the way straight. We walked two roads and then entered "this is one of the best cafe's in the city" he said and then ordered the coffee's to go and paid.

"It looks pretty and clean" I said while drinking from my coffee, we walked out and then Changmin said "Well then now that you have your coffee go to work or you'll be late."

I stared at my phone and it said 7:35, Oh no I'm screwed. I ran three roads while carrying my coffee it was dropping but I didn't care. I entered and went inside the elevator with another guy. He was way more taller than me he wored an nice clean black suit like he was a CEO. "Your coffee is dropping" he said.

"Huh? oh sorry" I said stuttering trying to close well shut the coffee but it suddenly fell which dropped and splashed all over the elder's clothes till his shoes and the floor. I had the cup in my hand I couldn't move I just stared down he said with a arrugant voice "you'd better be glad it was an accident or then I would've fired you right away" and left the elevator all mad.

I slowly walked out the elevator I saw someone was going to enter the elevator so I threw the cup of coffee in the trash and walk fast. Oh my god I'm so clumsy and stupid that could've been a employee, oh no what if he's the director. No way I don't think so, there would've been more people gretting him before I entered the elevator.

I'm just glad that was over now I just need to leave a good impression when I enter through that door. I  stoped right in front of it, I didn't moved suddenly someone grabbed my arm and went in there were so many people and they all had there own desks. Where is the director?

"Your the new intern am I correct?" someone asked behind me "huh oh yes" I said looking around. "That's great I'm Hyunjae that's Younghoon the assitant manager and Sunwoo and New. Younghoon has a crush on New" he said silently. "Shut up man he could hear you" said Younghoon. "Nice to meet you all I'm Eric" I said smiling, "um sorry but where is the director?" I asked Hyunjae.

"Oh Lee Juyeon he must be somewhere don't worry he's very kind,gentle,handsome, and so strong" he said then Younghoon cut him off saying "yo dude your speaking gubberish, sorry Eric he has had a crush on the director since high school."

"Really?" I said concerned and confused "yes I don't feel so good about it either but. Hey it's not my fault I fell deeply in love with him when I just first met him and turned best friends with him" he said blushing and being deeply in love, I wonder how all that feels falling deeply in love with someone not wanting to leave that person.

"Well um Eric there is a free seat in front you could sit there for now close to new while the director comes and picks your seat" said Younghoon. I nodded and left my things in the table, it has been two hours and the director has still not come. What is so more important then heading to work.

Lunch began everyone left there desks and walked over to the cafeteria. I went to the bathroom and after doing my business I went to wash my hands. The same dude from the coffee was washing his hands to, I silently walked to the sink right next to his and didn't said a thing. He suddenly said while still washing his hands "it was really embarrassing walking with spilled coffee on my clothes."

"I said I was sorry I didn't do it on purpose, you don't have to make such a big deal out of it" I said out loud with my hands all wet. "Uh this guy listen when someone ruins your brand new clothes that took so long to make your also not gonna be so happy about it either."

"No I wouldn't I would accept they didn't ruined my clothes on purpose, oh and know that I think about it your clothes are very nice I wonder how much it costed. Thinking about it do you even have the enough money to buy a full classy suit that isn't the most ruined cloth" I said calm trying not to explode I grabbed a paper sheet and cleaned my hands and threw it to the trash. 

I left the restroom mad I just walked to the cafeteria and grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it all but some drops got on my face. "Hey bro you alright you look a little tense" said curious Younghoon eating a sandwish. "I'm fine no need to worry about me" I said just about to throw the water bottle. Younghoon believed me and continued eating his sandwish. I sat in front of him and asked "why hasn't the director showed up, is he drunk at home or drinking with women right now" I said sniffing my nose and started sweating.

"I just don't get why isn't the director here is he like this all the time?" I asked frsutrated looking at Younghoon almost finish chewing the piece of sandwish. "mmm wait oh well this it the first time his like this he always shows up two hours before all of us" he said. "Really huh? well I think something was more important then working" I said and grabbed Younghoon's pudding and grabbed a spoonful and ate it. 

The day was nearly over I wasn't concentrating at all, what was I doing the director will find out I'm a lazy person. Wait I don't think he'll care anyway, was I distracted because of that jerk with a homemade suit. Work ended I got my stuff turned off the computer and said goodbye to the others. I got on the elevator and breathed of a slow relieve. Day's over finally I can go home and make some ramen and watch a movie till midnight.

I walked out the building and saw the messages my mom and Changmin sent me, he obviously wanted me to have a four hour face time with him to tell him about my first day. 

The Director's First Real LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora