Far away from you

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"Juyeon come on we'll be late" 

"I'm coming I'm coming jeez" "ooo you smell good what is it? Wait that doesn't matter let's go."

"You need to calm down " he said walking on the street as he turns a car drives super fast making juyeon go over the car and land hard on the ground bleeding. 

"Juyeon Juyeon stay with me, call 911" I yell to the man watching his head was bleeding so much he has bruises all over his legs and arms. "Don't leave me Juyeon!" I yell at him dropping tears at the floor. More people come so I cover his face for people not to take photos "get away get away" I yell crying and breathing hardly waiting for the ambulance to come.

The ambulance finaly came and is taking Juyeon "don't worry I'll go with you" I get on the ambulance car and sit beside him. Every single day I have been visiting him in the morning afternoon and night. To make sure he thinks I'm all right, but I haven't been these last few months.

The doctor told me he broke three ribs his right leg and his left arm and he has a injury the head but it's not severe, which is good. What has it been six months another person has been the director for now. I on the other hand have been all alone in hom my friends will try and comfort me in work, but I never actually wanted to go to work after that day.

My mom called me saying in a week I have to go back to LA. Which I refuse to go while Juyeon is still in coma and has not recovered completely. I haven't been able to see him this whole week I should go tomorrow to see if he has woken up.

-The Next Day-

I brought some lunch that I made for Juyeon I knew he loves when I cook for him, now that I realize we have only been dating for less than a week before the accident.

If he does wake up tho I am gonna have to tell him that I am leaving in a week. But- Ahhh he will not agree. I'll break his heart and I don't want to do that.

"Hello, Juyeon your awake oh thank god" I sat down close to him seeing his bruises and scratches healing. "Hi cutie I missed you" "I missed you to, I made lunch for you open wide."

"Good job so you feeling better" I ask him quietly he looks sad and like he has been trapped in a cell for years. "Don't worry about me how have you been?" "alright my mom wants me to go back to LA in a week."

This is surely breaking my heart he doesn't say nothing but just stare at the wall. And I know he doesn't want to talk to me now. He slowly gets up facing me and looking at me with those sparkly pretty innocent eyes, "do you want to go?"

"no I told my mom but she-"

"she still wants you to go" "yes I can just stay here it's not like she's coming for me I-"

"eric she's you mom she knows best"

"what are you saying" trying not to cry. "I'm saying you should go" "and leave you here alone I can't do that I'm sure you would do the same thing if you were in my shoes" I yell at him crying. 

"Eric you know I'm not in your shoes and if you think I'll let you stay here because of me then your wrong" he says going back down ignoring me yelling at him at how much I love him and blah blah blah.

He doesn't react maybe he just doesn't care about me "fine if that's how you want it then I'll leave go to LA find a new boyfriend and live happily ever after" walking and shutting the door I try not to cry to hear what he is about to say "I'm sorry Eric."

Exactly what I was waiting for, I call my friend Changmin to help me out on the LA thing and my friends here to make a plan that will make Juyeon and I be together forever without a obstacle.

The Director's First Real LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz