Chapter 178: Hooligans in the Kitchen

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It had taken a little less than an hour for them both to compose themselves. And then it was just awkward. But true to both of their natures, they took it in stride and bounced back that much faster.

It took Calista socking him in the arm after he commented on how ugly her crying face was for things to return to normal, but they got there.

Now, nursing his rapidly bruising shoulder as she returned to work on the stew simmering in the pot over an open flame, Hak took a long look at her, expression growing more and more somber as the seconds ticked by as he registered what she had just told him.

"You... want to stay?" He asked tentatively in disbelief. This was news to him. He had thought she'd be against it with every fiber of her being, and was honestly surprised when she hadn't resisted as much as he thought she would when initially brought up the idea.

He never thought he'd see the day where she'd willingly go stir crazy. It just wasn't in their DNA to stay still or in one place for too long. It was one of the main issues he had while serving as Chief of the Wind Tribe.

Mundok knew it too. It was because he knew that he never restrained them in any way.

Of course, he was glad she accepted their proposal and knew she had more than enough wisdom to understand where they were all coming from, but if their roles had been reversed and he had been the one the others were trying to persuade into leaving the princess' side, he wouldn't have given in no matter what it did to him.

All the more reason he was happy to see the blue dragon's influence rubbing off on her horrible lack of self-preservation skills and replacing it with a healthier and higher self-esteem.

Calista tilted her head in careful consideration, and eventually nodded in confirmation. "Yeah. I don't like it, but I'm okay with it."

She wasn't going to lie, it took a little bit to get there, but with Shin-ah's ever steady presence by her side and their friends' gentle encouragement; she got there. Now,

"I get why." She elaborated in the stretch of her brother's disbelieving silence, going back to chopping up the rest of the yams before grinding up some dried herbs. "But I agreed because I know I'm a liability at this point."

Hak's eyes narrowed angrily at her disregard, upset with himself more than anything else. "You're not—"

"Don't even," Calista interrupted, brandishing the knife she was holding at her brother threateningly as he opened his mouth to protest again. Iri had stopped by to collect half of the prepared vegetables for the roast that was being served tonight, took one look at their sorry states and blotchy faces before giving them both a nod of understanding and stepped out of the kitchen once more. She squinted at him, mirroring his expression and stance with unparalleled accuracy. "You know just as well as I do that I'm right. You ran the numbers, I know you have. Out of everyone here, we're the only ones who have military experience. You know I'm a liability to her safety. To everyone's."

Hak sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair and gripping the ends in frustration. There might not have been any frustration or regret in her voice, but there was in his.

"Yeah," He eventually ground out, looking pained. "I know. But that doesn't make it okay."

"No, it doesn't." Calista picked her words cautiously, eyeing him reluctantly. She gnawed unforgivingly on her bottom lip. She caught sight of something that made her expression clear up. "But only if you think about it like that."

If it was Kija or Yona, she would've talked about it in a different way, comforting them the whole way through. But this was her brother. And she knew that he got in his own head just as much as she did. Comfy and cozy wasn't the way to go to get through to him.

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