Emergence (Wil Angst w/ Phil & Techno)

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TW: Gore, descriptions of pain, mentions of not eating, (I feel like their should be more but I'm blanking???)

For context: Wil and Techno are 12 years old in this. Tommy hasn't been adopted yet.


(3rd person)

As most would assume, wing growth isn't the most comfortable process that a fragile human body can go through. It's different for every avian hybrid, with varying levels of pain and time, but the common factor always is the back pain. It normally would start a day or two before the emergence, appearing as a dull ache right between the shoulder blades, but as almost everything else in this process is, it varies. In addition to the back pain, some experience sensitivity to light and sounds, loss of appetite, and increased fatigue.

The science behind the emergence is still mainly unknown, but there are details that are almost common knowledge on the subject. First, when a hybrid is born, it is easy to check whether or not they will have wings in the future by looking at their back. A normal human will have smooth skin with no deep wrinkles or scars. An avian hybrid, however, will have two small indents that go from their shoulder's to the bottom of their shoulder blades. These slits will open during emergence to let the wings out and will quickly close afterwards.

Before avian hybrids started dying out, there used to be doctors specifically for this that could shorten the process and dull the pain. Unfortunately, with the spreading out of this species, many avian hybrids have to learn to push through this process, letting their bodies do what it was made to do. Not much is known about what these doctors did to ease the pain, but it is assumed that-

The owl hybrid grunted in annoyance, pushing the weathered book back into it's spot on the wall. Phil had been searching for weeks trying to find as much information on wing emergence as he could. As a child, Phil had help through his painful experience, but without any siblings under him, he never had the chance to see what needed to be done to help. He knew that Wil and Techno were getting closer and closer to their emergence. Most avian hybrids can sense the changes, but even a normal human could notice some odd behaviors from the twins.

Wil was always into music, this everyone knew. What people didn't know was that he loved to sing as well. It was never done in public (the boy was too shy for that), but from the muffled singing in his room, Phil knew he was good- great even. Recently, though, you could hear short notes from the boy wherever he went, sounding awfully familiar to a guitar or piano. He was obviously embarrassed by it, but he would always write it off as a hiccup or weird gasp if anybody asked.

Techno, on the other hand, picked up the odd habit of climbing up high and dropping any object in reach. He had always enjoyed heights much to his father's dismay (finding Techno on the roof as a toddler definitely made a few grey hairs grow in early). Never until recently, though, did he start trying to break things by tossing them onto the stone path below. First it was small sticks that were stuck in the gutter, then it was eggs from the fridge. This morning, a loud thud rang through the house, and looking out the window, a decently sized boulder was cracked in two, snickering being heard from above.

Phil chuckled, starting to walk back home. The library wasn't too far away from the family's cabin, but considering the usual wintry weather, it was slow going. Snow fell softly over the spruce forest, coating the entire scene in a blinding white. The sky was overcast for the most part, but in the distance, the blue sky cracked through, creating sun beams that laid over the valley Phil's home was set in. As the man traveled, the dark outline of his home peaked over the horizon and the trees began to thin out.

A small clink was heard as the large wooden door was pushed open, letting light into the dark space. It was odd, the lights were usually on, even during the day. Phil sighed, remembering the symptoms the book said. Back pain, light/sound sensitivity, loss of appetite, and increased fatigue. But who-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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