Chapter 14: Catalyst Part 2

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It was difficult to digest, the once lively streets filled with happy people reduced to haunted figures that meandered aimlessly in silence. The only sounds Asami could find were footsteps and fleeting conversations held by the Traditionalist women or soldiers. She used her peripherals to glance carefully at the various businesses they passed, watching the lifeless transactions that lacked any real human interaction. No jokes, no smiles, no humanity; their world devoid of color and left with an affliction of insignificance.

It was shocking at first when Korra made her first visit to the Capitol a year into Amon's reign, a burden of dejection that stayed with her for several months after. Now, she was unshaken by the minutia of Amon's imposed culture, bottling up those tumultuous emotions to be unleashed when the opportunity arrived. This was her cross to bear, holding fast to the notion that Amon was a temporary problem, and she would be the permanent solution.

Once they began assimilating into the crowds of people, Asami tightened her grip on Korra's hand, her palms sweaty as she kept her head low and stayed reserved. They had walked about fourteen blocks until they could see the tip of the cell tower appear from behind a tall building. "Two more blocks and we'll reach the spot." Korra whispered as she kept her eyes forward and counted the number of soldiers posted nearby.

When they finally rounded the corner, Korra dragged Asami into a narrow back alley and pulled her down to crouch behind a dumpster. "This is the place, I'm gonna pry the door open so we can get inside so keep watch." Korra said as she pulled out her K-bar and stabbed it into the door frame, hammering it into the damaged lock until it unlatched. She slowly popped the door, cautious not to make too much noise as she opened it just enough to slide in. Korra waved Asami over and they both snuck into the building, quietly shutting it behind them.


"Status report ladies. 30 minutes in." Toph radioed as she leaned back in the driver seat and crunched on her pistachios, spitting the shells into a cup nestled in her chest. "Lin and I managed to get four jugs each so far, so we're close to finished." Su radioed, the water sloshing around with every sway inside their heavy backpacks as they continued the trek through town.

"Opal and I have twenty cans so far so we're headed to the next store since they have 10 can limits per person." Kuvira said as she adjusted the strap of her grocery tote, her shoulder irritated by the rough burlap chaffing her skin. "Two more stores and we should be headed back with the supplies." Opal radioed as she accidently bumped shoulders with a passing soldier.

"Hey you! Stop right there." The soldier boomed as Opal froze in place, her eyes wide with fear as she held her breath and slowly turned around to acknowledge him, keeping her eyes glued to the ground. Kuvira continued to walk away before stopping by a nearby fruit stand to observe, her blood boiling with rage as she clenched her shaking fists tightly under her cloak, fighting her intense urge to cut him down and watch him bleed out in the street.

"How dare you touch me with your filthy body you deviant whore. Where are your papers?" The soldier demanded as he violently grabbed her bicep, yanking her towards him like she was a ragdoll. Opal extended her left arm out with her travel pass and band displayed as he snatched it out of her trembling hand. He opened the book and looked it over, glancing back and forth between Opal and her ID photo with a suspicious glare. "Next time I find you stepping out of line bitch, I'll make sure you can't sit for a week. Breeding's the only thing you're good for anyways. Now get out of my sight." The soldier scoffed as he threw the pass on the ground at Opal's feet and walked away.

Opal let out a shaky breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt tears starting to form, her nerves scorched from the close call. She composed herself and wiped a stray tear from her cheek, picking her pass up off the ground as she continued her route. Kuvira carefully wove through the crowd until she was walking alongside Opal again, furtively interlacing fingers with hers and clasping tightly as she kept her gaze ahead towards their next destination.

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