No more hope

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Jerry wakes the next morning slowly and sighs. "Honey I just wanted to tell you before we die that I love to so much and I know this baby is coming today," Heather says getting up. "Get Annie and take me to the hospital," Heather says. "Heather e very thing is shut down your going to have a baby here," says Jerry. Heather sighs "well then let's have a baby then." Jerry shrugs and tells her to get ready. A few hours later there baby has arrived and Heather is resting. "I'll be back ok," says Jerry. Heather nods and falls asleep. Jerry checks Annie before he leaves. "Can I see my baby brother," Annie asks. Jerry nods and Annie dashes to Jerry's and heathers room. Jerry goes out side and goes to work. When he arrives at work there is no one there. "Must be spending time with family," he says while he is working. After hours of failing he goes home. When he gets home it is now very dark. When he opens the door he is needed with a dead body of Heather. "No.. No no no," Jerry gaps. He runs to Annie's room and finds her bleeding and crying. "Annie..oh my gosh your ok," says Jerry tuning over to her. "Mommy's dead," sobs Annie. "Yes I know but you have me," says Jerry crying and picking up Annie to his room. He puts her on his bed and checks for the baby. He see's the baby died. Jerry starts to cry more and so does Annie. "Daddy can I sleep with you," ask Annie while crying. "Yes Annie,"says Jerry siting on the bed holding Annie. "Can you tell me what happened," asks Jerry still crying. "One of your workers came and and said I'm sorry but Jerry made me do this and he came with a knife and mommy saved me and I ran to my room and tried to hide but he killed brother and then came to me and hurt me,"sobs a sleepy Annie. Jerry nods and puts her on Heathers side. Jerry grabs the baby boy and and took them outside. Annie followed behind him and sobs the hardest than she has all night. Jerry cry's more and bury's Heather and the un named baby boy. Annie runs over to Jerry and cry's with Jerry.

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