W h a t

128 7 29

Wednesday, 8:30am

@everyone GET UP

Lum1nary0fth3st4rs: no goodbye

Lum1nary0fth3st4rs is offline

Maki.roll is online

Maki.roll: whats going on-

Liar: i made a pocket knife into earrings >:)

Moo: nice B)

em0.boy: kokichi that was my pocket knife-

Liar: oh boo hoo
It's cooler now

em0.b0y: >:(

Maki.roll: saihara, ouma, my dorm, come watch cheesy romance with me

Liar: i mean-
I've got nothing better to do

em0.b0y: i dont see why not

Maki.roll: k, 9am, be there

Liar: will there be snacks?

Maki.roll: duh bitch do i look like someone who doesn't have movie

em0.b0y: yesn't

Liar: you look like you like skittles in your popcorn

Maki.roll: i will punt you

Liar: a-

Moo: https://open.spotify.com/track/5s2zbxZI4Ym5LTKwjZHS2V?si=pFmzbJJjSgOnyAeY-xUKUw (a/n: its called jealous >:) )

Liar: lol loser

Moo: >:(

em0.b0y: @Liar remember our deal?

Maki.roll: what-

Liar: but-

em0.b0y: no buts, come on

Liar: fine.
Sorry moo, you're not a loser

Moo: what just happened

Maki.roll: I don't know, and i am terrified

em0.b0y: ok, see you soon maki?

Liar: hey me too! :(

em0.b0y: yes you too ouma

Liar: :D

Maki.roll: yeah see you soon



Maki.roll: you have lots of green hoodies, which one

Blue_cosplayer: smh the bright green one? It might have a smiley on it but idk

Liar: so like dream merch?

Blue_cosplayer: yes! Just like dream merch

Liar: oh yeah lol i stole it

Blue_cosplayer: WHAT
Ok first, YOU LIKE DREAM?1?W,DSMC,#?! And second, GIVE IT BACK

Liar: one, YES I DO >:) And second no its mine now

Blue_cosplayer: please i'll buy you another one

em0.b0y is online

em0.b0y: Tsmoogs i can buy you a new hoodie, he's probably not gonna give it back

Blue_cosplayer: A

em0.b0y: ok its settled then, ouma you keep the hoodie, i'll get you a new one tsumugi

Liar:  mkay!

Blue_cosplayer: k

Liar: oh also, before i go

Blue_cosplayer: yeah?

Liar: i burn you?

Blue_cosplayer: YOU MELT ME!,W!S.@!1,A!?1!,!2.

Liar: OK BESTIE 🔊🔊‼️‼️💯💕

em0.b0y: please your scaring me

Liar: ugh you just cant handle the heatwave BSHSHXHSBXSBB


Maki.roll: ??

(A/n: should i do a special chapter with tsmoogs and kichi bonding over dnf and dsmp? Lmk in the comments)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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