Chapter 2

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As soon as we got there, I was just in awe of how HUGE that building was. I have been there before, but I never really paid much attention to it. "I get to go there, I have such a lucky life," I said, thinking out loud. My dad heard inside saw"yeah I guess you are pretty lucky to come here. Your peers had to work their butts off to get a place here." he said as he opened the door 'Yeah, like Izuku.'I thought. Before I went inside I saw Izuwu about to fall but then this girl, I guess she used her quirk on him to save him. I used a quirk called search to find out what her quirk was. 'Name: Ochako Uraraka Quirk: zero gravity. Cool.'I whispered to myself.
"Are you going to stop being a stalker and come inside?" father asked. "Oh yeah, I just wanted to find more cool quirks, you know?"I explained. Then he just stared at me and said(awkward moment of silence) "sure, alright let's get going " he said. We went inside to this place where all of the pros are at.
I saw this tallboy with glasses and indigo hair pass by. I first was going to use my quirk to find out what his was but then I started thinking 'hey, he's kinda cu- Y/N YAGI, YOU ARE HERE WITH YOUR FATHER TO GO PUNCH ROBOTS AND PASS AN EXAM YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE. NOT TO SEE WHO IS CUTE OR NOT. YEEsh. What was I doing? aCk, I needed to get his quirk!!' Then I just remembered that I could get it during the exams. 

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