Karsuno High School

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y/n: your first name
l/n: last name
h/c: hair color
e/c: eye color
m/n: moms name
d/n: dads name
s/c: skin color

also i hope you guys are smart, because your character will be😀 & the pandemic doesn't exists in this😫🙏🏼👏🏼

also kags looks SO HOT in that pic

3rd person pov

It's six in the morning already?? You thought to yourself as a loud ringing flew into your ears. You reached your s/c arm for the alarm, hitting it until it turned off. Letting out a dreadful yawn you rose to your feet. Luckily you had placed out your outfit the night before. You slipped on your black and white uniform, a skirt and a black shirt on top of a white collard long sleeve. The Karasuno patch on the right side of your chest in a dull orange. You rubbed your eyes heading down the stairs. Your parents had already left for work, so it was just you and your brother. Your brother was 2 years older than you, so he would walk you to school.
"Where is all the food?" You yelled out to your brother, a heavy sigh exiting your mouth.
"There is always nothing to eat in the house!" A boy with h/c (just so he is more like you) hair walked into the room, rubbing his eyes.
"That's because your fat ass eats it all!" You said slamming the fridge shut with a yogurt in hand as you walked toward the cabinet. Reaching into the cabinet you pulled out a granola bar and a banana and sat at the table. It was already 6:25 by the time you finished eating. You slugged back to your room to finishing up packing your bag and than popped into the bathroom. You did your skin care, teeth, and hair before leaving again. At the door your brother was waiting, tapping his watch as you approached.
"Yes I know, let's relax." You said, sticking your tongue out. Slipping on your shoes you and your brother headed out the door.

-time skip-
After about 30mins of walking you arrived at the school.
"I'm going to stop by the gym before we leave today, so you can just meet me there." Your brother shouted as the two of you parted ways. You stuck your thumb out straight at him, only to then feel someone's gut smack against it.
"Ouch!" A familiar voice said, looking over at you. Your face lit up once you realized who it was. Your best friend, Ayane.
"Thank gosh that was you! It would of been so embarrassing if it wasn't" You let out a relieved giggle as your shoulders began to relax.
"Me too, I was just about to loose it on you!" She laughed, continuing to walk forward. The two of you went into the school, pushing through groups of people to reach your classes.
"Meet me in the bathroom after my lunch!" You tell Ayane who was turning into her class. She nodded before waving, and you replied with a wave. Continuing to walk a few more steps you entered your first class, learning english. For you, this class was very easy since your father travels a lot. He picked up english and taught it to you ever since you could speak. Sometimes you fumble your words, some coming out english, and others japanese.
You took your seat and pulled out a pencil and note book. Two tall boys appeared next to you and sat down. One with blonde hair, glasses and a cold look. The other one with faint green hair, a soft smile and a slim appearance.
Class went on smoothly until the teacher announced that you needed to work on the next assignment in groups. Since you don't know anyone in the class, you just looked down at your notebook. Why am I being so shy? I am not usually like this!! You argued with yourself. Than your head rose to see the two tall boys looking down at you.
"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to join our group!" The green haired one said with a warming smile. The blonde one stood next to him not saying anything.
"Oh, umm yeah, thank you! I'm l/n, y/n by the way." You smile as you got up.
"My name is Tadashi Yamaguchi, and this is Tsukishima Kei. Nice to meet you." He said. The blonde one just gave a small nod as you guys exited the class.
The idea of this project was to find things around the school, and write them in english. So this to you, was a piece of cake.
The three of you walked around and you easily picked things out and said the answer, letting yamaguchi write them down.
"Way to show off, am I right." Tsukishima snickered to Yamaguchi. I looked at him with a confused look.
"No need to act all smart, we are pretty good at english our selves." He scoffed.
"Oh then why am I the only one telling him what the answered are?" You said lifting your nose in the air. The blonde boy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms before speaking again, "whatever let's just head back, we finished."
You smiled to yourself knowing you had already shut his attitude down. Distracted by your ego, you dropped your pencil, causing you to be a few paces behind them. Yamaguchi went in the class first, and Tsukishima right after him, closing the door. You started to run forward and the door was locked. Groaning you knocked on it. The teacher opened it and looked at you angrily.
"I'm sorry, I got lost." You said, making up an excuse.
"Oh well, why weren't you with your team mates? Please take a seat mrs. l/n." He said, letting you in.
"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." You said awkwardly, rubbing your neck.
Tsukishima looked at you with a wide smirk. Rolling your eyes you sat down and got through the rest of class.

-time skip-
Exiting the school you saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi again. You followed behind them as they were headed the same way.
"Wow she is so obsessed she is even following us." The blonde one said.
"I'm not! I'm going to meet my brother, now excuse me four eyes!" You huffed, pushing through the two boys, racing forward.
"Tsuki you should try and be a little nicer, she can help us out in english!" Yamaguchi said looking at him.
"She can help you, but I don't need it." He says, continuing to walk forward.
"Kenji? Where are you?" You said looking around the building. There was no sign of him so you popped your head inside the doors. Your gaze then fell upon.....

part 2 coming soon!! I hope you guys enjoy, i'll try and make it short and sweet, but long enough so it doesn't seem like everything is happening too quick!

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