Tournament Time

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y/n pov:

There I go again messing everything up. I wanted to fulfill my own needs so badly that I ignored others feelings. I am starting to regret everything that happened today. I wish it would all just go away when I wake up. I thought to myself, my eyes slowly shutting.

I woke up the next morning as my alarm rang. It was 6:50a.m. and the first day of the tournament. I got up and headed for my bag, grabbing a Karasuno zip up jacket and some leggings. I than brushed my teeth and got the rest of my body ready for the today.

I stepped out my room to see a few of the boys going over to the dining hall. Some looking more tired than others.

"Good morning y/n! Aren't you excited? It's the first day, the first game!" Hinata smiled, bouncing down the hall.

"Super excited to see you guys play! You better win today!" I smiled, following behind him.

We made it to the room and headed for the food. I grabbed a plate and stood behind Hinata in line.

"Oh good morning queen y/n, please let me allow you to go in front of us, grab anything you like." Tanaka said in an encouraging voice. His hand pressed against my back as he pushed me up in front of him and Noya.

I nodded a thank you and the two boys practically dropped to the floor in awe. I laughed slightly before filling my plate up and heading for a seat. The tables were crowded and full of boys from different teams. I spotted a brown haired boy waving his arms at me, point to the seat next to him. I approached him and smiled softly.

"Good morning Oikawa!" I said, as boys from the table looked at me confused.

"Hey you didn't answer any of my messages last night? What's with that?" He pouted, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"She's probably already sick of you." A spiked black haired boy joked. The other boys at the table laughed along with him. "Anyways, are you going to introduce us, or what?"

"Yeah yeah," Oikawa groaned. "Everybody this is y/n. Y/n this is Iwaizumi, Kindachi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa."

The boys all said their hellos before eating. I said hi back and started to eat as well.

"I'm sorry about last night, I was busy unpacking and stuff then I just passed out." I chuckled, looking at Oikawa.

"Phew! I thought you already dumped me." He said, dramatically whipping his forehead.

"She should." I heard a voice whisper behind me. Oikawa didn't seem to hear it though as he was busy putting on an act.

I looked behind me to see Kageyama and Hinata settling at a table. I rolled my eyes before continuing to eat.

Everyone else's started getting up and putting their plates away. I grabbed mine and stood up, Oikawa copying my acts.

"Here let me take that." He winked, grabbing it and heading for the table to put the plates.

I nodded a thank you before looking at the other boys. "Thank you for letting me sit with you guys. Good luck today!" I waved, heading back to my room.

After helping Kiyoko fill up the water bottles we headed for the gym. I sat along side her on the bench, admiring the larger gym. I saw many different types of boys warming up for the tournament, many showing off their talents.

"Water bottle please Mrs. Oikawa." I heard a voice say. My eyes looked over to find Tsuki staring at me. I stool my tongue out before handing him one.

"Better do good today, I didn't come all the way here for nothing." I demanded.

Tsuki nodded at me as the other boys came jogging in towards me. They all wiped off their sweat and took off their warm ups, indicating that the game was about to start.

The boys than got talked to by the coach before heading onto the court. Me and Kiyoko stood up, feeling the excitement run through our blood.

This was the first game of the tournament, and hopefully not the last.

Large cheers started to ring as they announced the teams, and the game had started.

-slight time skip-

All I could hear was the ball smashing against the floor and people yelling. It was so exciting to watch these boys compete. The look and desire to win was plastered all over their faces. The sweat that dropped from their chins, showing that they were working hard. I felt nothing but inspiration watching these boys play. The defense that Daichi could provide, the back up and crazy balls Noya always got to, the blocks from Tsuki, the spikes for Asahi, and lastly the sets for Kageyama.

I don't think i've ever seen someone look so attractive when they are playing a sport. Plus he was working so hard, and putting his all into the game.

I could see him getting worked up whenever Hinata missed, or couldn't land it. He looked so frustrated at these times, but never gave up.

After the game, it came out to a victory. After working so hard, they won. Everyone looked beaten to the pulp.

I handed out water bottles and towels to the boys coming off the court. The coach than congratulated them and they grabbed their things.

We all made our way to the coaches room to talk. I walked along side Kageyama, not even realizing it.

"Did you see me out there? Oh it was so awesome! I never want to stop playing!" Hinata said, jumping up and down beside me.

"You did great out there!" I smiled, giving him a high five. "You did too.. Kageyama." I mumbled.

"Thanks." He said, not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah we were so awesome! I was like zoom, jump, boom, bop! Oh and Tanaka was like yeah yeah! Booya! And than Kageyama was all like, eh, whatever, meh." Hinata mimicked the boys, giggling.

I laughed at his words as we entered the coaches room and sat down...

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