Introduction part 1

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June 18th, 2016, Friday

Hi my name is Maylene Azul Blanchatae. I am currently 14 1/2 I will be 15 in about 2 weeks. I have neutral green eyes, not dark or light. I have dark wavy brown hair with natural silver highlights. I'm very short, 4'8 to be exact.. I used to be bullied about it until my parents pulled me out of public school so now i'm home schooled. My parents work in a huge traveling business were they travel each year so I'm home alone a lot. They want me to take over when i'm 15, which I think is pretty young for a business woman. I live in Dallas Texas and its very hot here. I have about three friends, There names are Ally Kay Besson, her brother Corbyn Besson and his girlfriend Christina Harris. If you are wondering yes it is the Corbyn Besson. He is going to start a band soon with what he calls band mates, but I think they are his friends. I have not met his friends yet because I haven't had the time with all my schooling. My friends usually fly here when they can. Anyways, I love to sing, skateboard, climb trees, draw, paint, play guitar, swim and shoot my gun. I also sing song covers for my YouTube channel which now has 4M subscribers. I never thought my singing was that good, but they do so its a win win situation. My personality is what I call mixed because of all my hobbies. I am what you would describe smart, brave, humorous, "pretty"- note the sarcasm, and of course sarcastic. I als-

" Maylene! we're fixing to leave!" my mom yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back as I run down the stairs. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I see 2 packed suitcases by the front door which I assume are my parents suitcases. " you guys are leaving again...? you just got back a week ago." I whine.

"we know but we're sorry, we have to do this, it is very important to us." my dad says trying his best to not be sad.

"where are you guys going this time?" I ask curiously.

" Paris!" both of my parents say excitedly in unison.

"Again?" I ask sort of annoyed, but they didn't seem to notice with all their excitement.

" We know you've been wanting to go so when we get back, you are going to go with us for your birthday!" Dad says happily.

" Charlie! that was a surprise!" my mom yelled at dad.

"Uhh.. you guys need to go or you might miss your flight." I say as mom and dad as they are still talking about Paris.

"oh your right." my mom says as she checks her watch. They both walk to the door and grab their suitcases.

"Bye!" My parents yell walking out the door.

" I love you!" I yell as they shut the door behind them.

I don't understand why they are always gone.. They never have the time to be with me at all, their gone around my birthday the most, yet they say they will be back before then to spend it with me. They say that every year. This started when I was 10 years old.. I'm turning 15 this year ugh. At least I have Corbyn, Ally, Christina and my friend I met here in Dallas, Zach Herron. I'm actually gonna call Corbyn now...

I grab my phone out of my pocket and I dial Corbyn's number and he answers after the first few rings.

" Aye wassup M-dawg?!" Corbyn says into the phone.

" Hi corbs..." I say as I sigh.

" hey.. whats wrong may?" Corbyn says worriedly. " you don't seem to be very cheery today."

" Mom and Dad.. they left again 2 weeks before my birthday, this is the 5th year in a row now. They always leave for Paris 2 weeks before my birthday, they say they'll be back but they won't be back till a month AFTER my birthday. Its like they try to leave me on purpose. I mean they seem like they're more excited for Paris than they are about having me. Lord forgive me for saying that, but I love them so much,they don't act the same way and it's starting to get on my nerves, yet they also want me in Paris when I turn 15 to start my job. Is there something wrong with me? Am I not enough?" I rant starting to cry.

"May... you are perfect, nothing is wrong with you, absolutely nothing, you will always be enough for anyone who cares about you. Forgive me for saying this, but if they're more excited for Paris than you, then they're not worth it. I know that sounded a bit harsh, but it's true. Besides you have me, Ally, Christina and Zach. We will all be here for you always, especially when you feel all alone. We can spend your birthday with you because we all care and love you. I love you, you are part of my family May. If it makes you feel any better than you feel now, me, Ally and Christina can fly out to Texas to spend time with you because Christina just happens to be living with me and Ally here in Virginia. So please don't cry, they are not worth your tears okay?" Corbyn explains by how much he cares.

I take in every little thing Corbyn just said because of how much he cares which is why I'm so happy he's in my life.

" Okay.." I say wiping my tears. "promise you guys will be here?"

" I promise., Hey the bathroom is calling me so I have to go." Corbyn says with a laugh.

"okay" I say with a giggle. "love you corbs."

"love you too may." Corbyn says then hangs up.

After Corbyn hangs up I decide to go into the living room to watch a movie on Netflix.

I've been scrolling through Netflix for like 20 minutes now... I could watch Nemo... wait.. *gasp* MY HUSBAND!! yep it is decided I'm watching Harry Potter. In case y'all are wondering or having a stroke, I am indeed married to Harry Potter. I know I'm weird, or as I say " I'm a special snowflake."

*After watching some Harry Potter movies*

It's now 10 pm and I wake up on the couch. I really need to stop doing that someday.. key word "someday" hehe.

I get up off the couch and head upstairs, after i get in my room I change into my pajamas ( t-shirt and shorts) I brush my teeth and my hair. I climb into bed checking all my social media and seeing more people wanting me to sing more covers for my channel. I turn my phone off then put it on the charger. I lay down thinking of the new days to come and I eventually fall asleep.


A/n:  This is my first ever fan fiction so please don't judge. Let me know if I should keep writing. Enjoy :)

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