Chapter 7

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A/N: I know you guys are anxiously waiting for the talent show and I promise it's coming. These past few updates have been coming out slow because writers block and I didn't want to talent show to happen right away. 

Maya POV

Tonight was Zay's first baseball game and of course I had to be there too. Zay asked if I would help out pass water to the team and keep track of who was up to bat. I was actually excited about this and thought it would be fun. Once school got out I grabbed my stuff and met up with Zay to go to the field so that I could get there for the practice. I had to be there at the same time as Zay because Coach Easton was going to explain everything to me when I got there. It didn't take us that long to get there. We walked into the dug out and there were some from the team that was there but not all of them. The coach walked up to me and Zay when we got there. 

"Hi Maya, thanks for helping us out." Coach Easton said as he was looking down at the clip board he was holding. 

"It's no problem, I'm excited to help you." I replied. 

"This is for you." he said then he handed me a clipboard. It had a list of names on it and pen attached at the top. "This is to help us keep track of who has batted and who hasn't."  

"Okay so it goes right in order right?" I asked him for clarification. 

"Yes, and it also has their number so you can keep track easier." he answered. "Just put a check mark by the persons name when they go up to bat." 

"Okay perfect." I replied. I was looking at the list and noticed Zay and Lucas were up first. 

"And here are the water bottles. I'll have you hand these out when they come off the field." he said as he pointed to a cooler that was there in the dug out. 

"Alright, I got this." I said with a smile. 

"You are far too excited about this." Zay said with a smile as he walked up to us.  

"You hush! I like being a bat girl or whatever you want to call it." I said and the coach chuckled this time. 

"Maya still gets excited when she is asked by the teacher to be helper and hand out papers during class. Anything excites her." Lucas said as he came around the corner. 

I pointed to Lucas "The only downside to all this is that I got to be around his ignorant a-" I said but couldn't finish the sentence because Zay put his hand over my mouth to stop me from swearing. 

"She has no filter sometimes." Zay said with a stupid grin. 

The coach chuckled "Nothing wrong with being excited." he said before walking off. 

I turned to look at Zay "It's going to be hard to have a filter around Huckleberry dumbfuck." I said annoyance causing Zay to chuckle. 

"That's a new one." Lucas replied. 

"Yeah because you grate on my nerves on the daily." I retorted then I looked at Zay "Imagine having to be in class with this dumb fuck." 

Zay laughed "That bad?" he grinned. 

"Yep." I answered. 

"Alright come on Lucas we need to go practice." Zay said as he headed off toward the field. 

Lucas followed him and I went over and sat on the bench of the dug out to watch them practice. All the bullshit aside I really feel Lucas and Zay were the best on the entire team. They were so good. Both are good at batting and Zay is an awesome pitcher. I did some art in sketchbook as I waited for the game to start up. I had got lost in the drawing and hadn't realized time passed and it was almost time for the game to star. It wasn't until I heard Lucas angry voice that I looked up from what I was doing. 

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