Chapter 8

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A/N: Updates are coming quicker because these next few chapters I have planned out! Can't wait to get to the bigger stuff for you guys.  This chapter might be a bit shorter than the others BTW. 

Maya POV

Zay and I have been setting up for the talent show tomorrow. I'm nervous as fuck about all this. I'm afraid of what Lucas is going to think, what Riley will think, what the school will think. I know I shouldn't worry about this but I can't help it. Zay and I were given permission to set up to rehearse for the show. I planned to do the song on the piano with Zay on background in drums. We got into the auditorium and started setting up. Zay was helping Mrs. Garner and I wanted to practice so I started practicing on the piano. 

I began to sing on the piano "I got my drivers license last week just like we always talked about, because you were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house."   

I continued to sing the song until the part where Zay comes in on the drums. I thought he was helping out but he had sat down at the drums and started. I looked up to see Mrs Garner had stopped in her tracks.  She walked up to me and put her hand up for me to stop so I did and Zay followed suit. 

"Wait Maya it's you behind the song?" she asked me and I was surprised. 

"Yes. I just haven't told anyone." I answered. 

"Oh my gosh!!" she said excitedly. "You are incredibly talented and this song is so viral." 

"Thank you. I just wrote it from my heart and Zay helped me piece everything together." I said with a smile.

"Can I give you guys a suggestion?" she asked. 

I looked at Zay then back at the teacher "Yeah of course" 

"Zay you know how to play Violin right?" Mrs Gerner asked him. 

Zay nodded "Yes, I do know how to play that as well." 

"I'm wondering how this would sound with Maya on the piano and you playing the violin." she said and I smiled. 

"We could definitely try that." I replied. 

Zay got up and grabbed the violin off the stage and walked over to us. and Mrs Garner grabbed her ipad and I notced she was on it.

"So there is violin music notes that I found online you could follow that someone made to the song. I think this would sound incredible if Zay comes in on the violin at at about 2 minutes into the song. Maya should sing this on piano alone for the first couple of minutes" she said as she walked over with the iPad. "Follow these Zay and lets see how its sounds. I'll put a hand up when I want you to start on violin." 

"Okay lets do this." Zay said with a smile. 

I began to play on the piano and sing the song by myself until she instructed Zay to start up. When we were done I looked over and the teacher was smiling. 

"That's perfect but I think this would sound even better if we had a full band behind you. I'm gonna make some calls because I have some friends that could do this. Would you be okay with this?" she replied. "I just think this song is so beautiful and will blow everyone away."  

"I'm totally fine with that." I said excitedly. 

"Okay I'll be back. I'm going to do that and then order dinner so I should be a bit." she said with a smile. "And Zay you did amazing on the violin." 

Mrs Garner walked out and Zay came over to me with a grin "I'm so glad I pushed you to do this!" he said excitedly. "I told you that you were a star!" 

"I know you did. I'm excited too." I replied. "Thank you for all you have done so far for me" 

"That's what I'm here for!" he replied. "I'm gonna make a run to get us Pizza. I have a feeling we are going to be here for awhile. 

"Oaky sounds good!" I replied. 

I sat on the stage and decided to get my sketch book out as I waited for everyone to come back. I was in the middle of drawing and looked up to see foot steps. I looked up and was surprised to see Lucas was here. I hoped like hell he didn't catch onto the fact that I was going to be a part of this show. I didn't want him to know I was singing in it. 

"Hey do you know where Zay is?" he said as he came in. 

"He just ran to get us some pizza." I replied and when I looked up at him I could tell he looked upset. 

"Fuck." he sighed. 

"What's wrong?" I said to him as I sat my sketchbook down on my lap. 

"I just wanted to talk to him." he replied. 

"You and Riley had another fight didn't you." I replied. 

Lucas sighed and sat down beside me on the stage. "How did you know?" 

"Because you had the same look you did the other night."  I said as I turned to look at him. 

"I tried to talk to her about everything that I've been feeling and she like acted like I was being ridiculous." he replied. 

"I'm sorry Huckleberry, that's not cool." I said to him. I really did feel bad for him in this situation. It was shitty of Riley to bail on his game the other night and shitty of her again to not listen to how he feels. 

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't want to be my friend?" Lucas replied. 

"I realize I have said that and I have my reasons for that but the thing is when you and I were together I never saw you upset like this before. It also doesn't mean that I don't care about you because I do. I knew I was the one person that could pull your head out of your ass the other night." 

"Yeah I get that but it's been 2 years since we broke up. I don't get why we can't be friends again." he replied and he kind of had a sad tone to him. 

"Yeah I understand that but it's just to hard." I answered him. 

"Yeah that's what you keep saying." he replied then he leaned over and looked at my drawing. "What are you drawing?" 

"A baby grand piano with some beautiful classic background." I replied.  I was so glad he changed the subject. 

"It's beautiful." he replied. 

"Thanks" I said to him with a smile. 

"I have to get going. Could you let Zay know I stopped by?" he asked as he jumped down off the stage. 

"Yeah I can do that." I answered. 

"Talk to you later Maya and thank you again." Lucas replied before walking. 

"You're welcome." I said then I looked down at my sketch book and continued drawing. 

I continued on my drawing until Zay returned with our food. I was so glad that Lucas left because I didn't want the teacher to walk in with her friends and then Lucas catch onto the fact that I was performing tomorrow. Once Zay returned we ate and then Mrs Garner returned shortly after that and she had a bunch of people with her. 

"Okay so these are my friends who are from the local orchestra. We have some ideas for your song and they are willing to come by tomorrow as well for the talent show." she replied with a smile. 

"Oh wow. Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "Thank you for coming." 

"Oh girl you are going to be famous." Zay said with a grin. 

"I wouldn't go that far Zay." I chuckled. 

Mrs Garner explained to me and Zay what their plan was and after that we got to practicing on everything. Mrs Garner was so excited about tomorrow. She said she's never seen talent like mine before. When were done we thanked everyone for helping us and especially Mrs. Garner who went out of her way to make sure I put on a really good performance. 

A/N: So this chapter was shorter than usual but that's okay because it was just the rehearsal. Plus I have FOUR chapters written up and drafted. I knew how the story was go from here out and it's about to get good! 

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