Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

My eyes shoot open hearing an ear piercing scream. I scramble out of bed rushing to Mabel's side, hugging her trying to soothe her. "Shh shh, it's okay."

"M-My called my name....."

I sigh knowing exactly what she means. "It's okay, they won't pick you. Your name is only in 7 times while others have their names in a lot more times." I softly sing 'Deep in the Meadow' and lay her back down once she's asleep once again. I get dressed for the day and head out, adjusting my favorite hat on my head.

I go to the boarder of the district where an electric fence is supposed to keep us out of the woods. I pick up a nearby stick and toss it at the fence to test if the electricity is on. Seeing it's off I go over the fence and into the woods like normal. I walk deep into the woods to a hollow tree I marked, having carved my initials into it a long time ago. The capital has laws against us being out here but hunting out here is the only way for most families to survive here in district 12. Taking my father's bow and quiver of arrows from the hollow tree I trap the quiver onto my back and proceed deeper into the woods. I stop at a clearing half hiding behind a tree, spotting a deer drinking from a nearby stream. I nock an arrow to the bowstring and taking aim I pull the string back to my cheek. I'm about to let go when a voice from behind me startles me. "Yo, Mason Jar!" The deer gets startled and runs off as my arrow misses. I turn to my friend Tyrone and glare at him.

"What the hell man! Do you know how much I could have gotten for that deer?"

"Would you have seriously dragged that thing to the market? Especially today?"

I sigh knowing he's right. "I hate when you're right."

"Which is usually all the time." He smirks as he grabs my sleeve pulling me to our usual spot. We sit on a hill in a clearing overlooking the forest. We sit there talking and sharing some blueberries of his. "What if no on fought? They can't have the games if no one fights."

"Try telling that to the careers. They will always fight." I look at the time on my wristwatch. "We should head back and get ready for the reaping." We walk back making sure to store the bow and quiver in the hollow tree then head back to the district going out separate ways home.

I enter my house and see Mabel in a white button up blouse and a grey skirt. "You're finally back!" She says excitedly as she hugs me. I smile softly as I hug her back.

I break from the hug and hold her by the shoulders. "Don't you look fabulous." I gently tuck some hair behind her ear as she giggles softly.

"I set some clothes for you on your bed." I hear my mom say behind me. I frown hearing her voice, not een answering heras I head to my room to get ready.

Using a wet washclothI wash dirt off my hands and face trying to look at least a bit presentable. I look at my bed seeing she laid out some of my father's clothes for to to wear. Sighing I change into the clothes and look at myself in the mirror. The button up shirt is wrinkled and my black trousers have holes in them. I set my hat on my bed and comb my hair making sure my birthmark is covered. "...You look like dad..."

I turn seeing Mabel standing behind me. "Don't get all mushy on me now." I tease her as I set the comb down. I walk over to her and take her hand. "Let's get this over with."

We walk to the town square where they separate us by gender. I stand tall as they show the usual propaganda video. Once the video ends an older man, Stanford, steps up to the microphone. "Welcome everyone, to the 74th hunder games. Once your name is called please come up to the stage. As usual, ladies first. He walks over to the fishbowl with the girls' names. He takes one out and reads the name aloud. "Wendy Courdaroy." I glance over at her seeing her make her to the the stage in her plain green dress, her long red hair falling over her shoulders. She stands on the stage as Stanford walks over to the other bowl and pulls out a name reading it aloud. "Benjamin Courdaroy." I hear people around me gasp, a young 12 year old boy ahead of me shaking his head no in denial as capital guards grab him by the arms and force him towards the stage.

I see Wendy with a terrified expression on her face. I can't stand this, he is just a kid. "Wait wait!" Pushing aside people around me, I run towards the boy trying to get to him before he goes onstage, getting stopped as guards grab me. "I volunteer I volunteer!" I yell out pushing the gueards off of me before speaking in a clear voice so everyone can hear me. "I volunteer as tribute!"

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