Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

Once off the train we're taken to people who scrub me down and pluck tiny hairs off of me before leaving me sitting on this thin mattress wearing nothing but a bathrobe. A man comes into the room with purple hair and wearing all purple or black. "You're Dipper, correct?" I give a small nod as he holds out his hand. "I'm Tad, Tad Strange."

I shake his hand nervously. "They gave you district 12?"

"No, I asked for it."

"Why? We're like the worse district."

"Because I saw you volunteer for that boy, that was very brave. I want to make sure everyone remembers your district after this and even more so make sure everyone respects it."


How did I agree to this? I stand next to the chariot in black clothing as Tad uses some ashes to form a Pinetree on my forehead right over my birthmark. "Hold still Dipper, or it won't look good."

"Why a pinetree?"

"Because it's the symbol on the hat you were wearing after the reaping."

He brushes my bangs to the side and fits miner goggles over my eyes. "Are you sure this will work? What if we just burn alive?"

"Have some faith and trust in me." He smears ashes onto my hands then fastens my cape onto my shoulders.

I see Wendy walk over, dressed similar to me minus the goggles and no ashes on her forehead. "You ready?" She asks as we get into our chariot.

"Not in the slightest." I see Tad light our capes on fire as the horses trot forward and the sound of thousands of peoples cheers fill my ears and the bright stadium lights nearly blinding me. I look over and Wendy and see her smiling and waving at the people. The chariots all make a u-turn at the end of the stadium giving the spectators extra time to cheer for us, hearing extra cheers when I see me and Wendy flash on a big screen. As get back to the corridor and step off the the chariots Tad takes our capes off of us and puts the fires out. I see people heading for the eleavator when I notice something gold on the ground. I walk over to it seeing it's a gold bracelet that has a locket on it. Wiping my hands on my pants to get the ash off I kneel down and pick it up, opening the locket part and seeing it's a pair of smiling boys my age one with blond hair and the other with blue hair. I look up seeing a blond boy and girl arguing nearby. I stand up and walk over to the boy gently tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. "E-Excuse m-me...."

He turns to look at me with a confused expression while the blonde girl turns to me looking annoyed as she gets in my face. "What do you fucking want you useless fuck?!"

"I-I....w-wha.....u-um..." I stutter trying to answer, walking back away from her as she shoves me backwards and shouts at me.

"You think just because your designer made you look less pathetic that it gives you the right to talk to us? Well think againg you fucking freakshow!"

She lunges at me and is only stopped when the blonde boy grabs her shoving her away. "Shut the fuck up Pacifica! He's just a kid! Look at him, he's a fucking anxious mess so I doubt he thinks all those stupid things. Stop being a huge bitch and pushing all of your insecuritites on others!" She storms off angrily as he looks at me, being a good deal taller than me. "You need something kid?"

I simply hold out the bracelet. "Y-You dropped this...."

"Oh." He takes the bracelet and I see him looking at my forehead. I quickly try to wipe the ass off my forehead byt he grabs my wrist stopping me, smirking down at me. "I'll see you around Pinetree."

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