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"Ochako?" Pro Hero Deku says to himself, looking at the woman that he had once been in love with standing on the roof of the neighboring building. A large snowball, almost a snow boulder at that point floated next to her, as she pushed it over to his roof, another hero creating another ball from the material and passing it over to her. Deku shook his head, lifting up his arm and priming his hand, flicking out a low powered Delaware Smash, destroying the orb of frozen water and alerting the other roof to his presence. With a single leap, Deku cleared the distance between the two roofs, before pointing out towards the street below. "Your team is piling snow on more roofs. Aim your clearing efforts diagonally, closer to the streets."

"Deku..." Ocha-Uravity began to speak, the greenette turning towards one of the other heroes, a microphone close to their mouth.

"I'm the leader of the clearing team, why are you holding us back?" The microphone hero asks, Deku shaking his head.

"We're getting too many collapsed roofs as it is. Your team is increasing the problem instead of helping." Deku reiterates, the microphone hero sliding a palm down their face.

"Ugh, I didn't know that. Sorry, I've been focused on the other side of the city since that's where the storm swept in from. I swear these foreigner heroes don't have a clue on what they're doing sometimes. One of them is supposed to have been from here too, can you believe it?!" The microphone hero yells, walking over to Uravity and the other hero helping her.

"Yeah... It's hard to imagine." Deku says to himself before pressing a finger up to his ear. "This is Deku, what's the status of finding stragglers?"

"Earphone Jack calling back. It seems like most of them have been recovered. Repair specialists have been called in, so it looks like the clearing crews have got it from here. We can head back to our agency for now." The young woman that Deku had partnered up with for the clean up in Musutafu replied, the greenette letting out an affirmative nod. He released his finger from his ear, turning back to face his ex, the woman having approached while he was being called.

"De-" She starts, the inheritor silencing her with a single raised finger.

"You still have clean up to get through, Uravity. If you want to catch up... Head to Might Tower when you're done." Deku replies, letting his quirk wash over him before bounding away, activating float and soaring off through the city.

Might Tower, the previous HQ for Symbol of Peace, All Might, and the current HQ of Further Beyond Agency.

After the class had started to heal from the sudden departure of Ochako from Japan, All Might had stepped into their lives again, offering his former workplace as their new agency headquarters. The class was quick to refuse, but the once Number One insisted, stating that they would need to use the money that they had saved up to refurbish the tower anyways, seeing as it would no longer be all about All Might. Reluctantly, but happily, the former students took the offer presented to them and began to move in, quickly establishing their agency off of their once school motto.

Deku, now back to plain old Izuku Midoriya, seeing as he was now off the clock, stepped out of the locker room, classic red high tops on above a pair of grey cargo pants, the man sporting a dark green jacket as well. It was rather warm in the office, but it was still quite cold outside, so it was best to be dressed up for the cold now. If he needed to cool off, he could just take off the jacket to reveal his white tee with the words 'Winter Coat' written on it (years later, and it was still his favorite type of shirt).

Earphone Jack, Kyoka Jirou out of costume, was in a similar outfit, a light purple coat, black pants with patched up rips, and a beat up pair of white skate sneakers. She passed a warm cup of coffee to the greenette, the man taking it happily. "Good job." She says, taking a swig from her own cup. She flinches a bit at the taste, before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small bottle of creamer, before pouring some in. "I gotta say, wasn't expecting a sudden burst of radio silence out there. What was up with the clearing crew? Were they dropping snow on the roof or something?" She stirs the drink a bit, before continuing to drink it, now happy with its sweeter taste.

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