Time Flies

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"Uraraka..." Izuku and Kyoka speak in unison, their tones different as they speak.

Izuku, ever the sensitive, was softer in his tone. Surprise was evident, as he truly had expected her to never appear in Japan again after... After what happened. But, here she is, walking into Izuku and Kyoka on their way to work. Kyoka Jirou. His current girlfriend.

Speaking of, Kyoka's response was far more... Heated. Venom rested on every syllable of the other girl's name, as a toxic taste overtook her mouth. She had hoped that Uraraka had the common sense to stay away after what she did, but it seems not. Because here she is, walking into her and Izuku on their way to work. Izuku Midoriya. Uraraka's Ex-Boyfriend, and Kyoka's current.

"Ah, De-Iz-... Midoriya." Uraraka responded, her tone defeated and upset. "I... I didn't think you would be out patrolling so early."

"We uh... We're actually on the way to our agency." Izuku responds, slowly pushing himself up and off the pavement. He looks at Kyoka, who merely glares at the brunette woman. He lets out a sigh, before offering out his hand.

Uraraka nods, and takes it, getting back up to her own feet.

"So uh... What are you up to out here? I thought things were all good in paradise?" Izuku chuckles, looking away from her as he scratches the back of his head.

"Oh! It's..." Uraraka goes silent, rubbing at her arm.

Kyoka looks at the two, back and forth, before letting out a groan of frustration. "Would you two just spit out what you have to say already?! Izuku, we're gonna be late, and you know that..." She glances at Uraraka.

Izuku looks at Kyoka and nods. It was no secret there was some bad blood between the two women, it would be hard not to see it after what happened last winter. But, Izuku is further aware that Kyoka has always had... Doubts about being compared to Uraraka, to put it lightly. It's been a discussion they've had time and again, and the answer Izuku had would remain the same.

Kyoka is the one he loves, not Uraraka. Not anymore. And he's going to be damned sure he makes this relationship work.

He drops his hand down, and looks, actually looks at Uraraka.

She's in a nice outfit, but her hair is a mess, and she looks like she's just been through emotional hell. Her eyes lack luster and though she wears a polite smile, there's no joy behind. It's almost like... She's in the exact same position that he was in a year ago.

Izuku sighs, and looks at his hands. He clenches them into fists, and closes his eyes, before opening them and huffing out.

He returns his view to Uraraka, and finally, finally, let's her know his full feelings.

"Uraraka!" Izuku says, snapping the woman's attention back to him. "What you did to me, was awful! What you did to everyone, was awful! And how you made all of us feel, was awful! Cheating is a serious event and the fact you did it makes me feel pain and hurt like you wouldn't believe." He explains, clutching at his chest.

Uraraka looks at him in shock, before nodding and slowly drooping her head down.

"But..." Uraraka looks back up, and Kyoka looks at Izuku in only mild surprise. "I can tell that you're going through hardship too. I know the look on your face, because I was in that same situation a year ago. So..." He reaches hand out, a smile on his face. "If Kyoka allows it, would you like to talk?"

Uraraka looks at Kyoka, confusion apparent on her face. The violette lets out a sigh, before grabbing Izuku's other hand in her own, and raising it up, their fingers intertwined.

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