Chap 1

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6 AM Friday May.

Tim was out on his front porch calming himself down. He had gotten into a fight with Jay and couldn't believe the things Jay said to him, Its like he's completely changed after dying.

"Hey Timmy boy why did you run away, You can't keep running from ya problems coward!!!"

Jay said. He's a ghost standing at 5'10 pale grey sick looking skin an extremely torn hoodie where it shows the bullet wound and a dirty hat. Tim sighed

"I'm not running awa-wyhhhee?"

Tim was cut off by the appearance of a masked person in a bulky hoodie, and baggy pants. The person made eye contact with Tim for a moment, before in what seemed in a blink disappeared. The man was dumbfounded, was that a hallucination? Or were they real?

*snap snap* "LISTEN TO MEEEE" The Ghost screamed for attention

Tim looked at his beloved ghost and listened to him ramble about the problems with Tim

"Alright" Tim sighed and went inside and got ready for work

3 AM Saturday May

Tim wakes up he barely can move, sleep paralysis again... He watches Jay roam around the room mindlessly as he does when Tim is asleep. Tim turned his head to the window upon hearing tapping. That person was back. They were tapping on the window while holding up...masky's mask. They opened the unlocked window, and left the mask on the sill. The person waved and walked away.

As soon as he could Tim got the chance he got up and grabbed the mask.

"Fuck....." The male growled to himself and stared at the Mask with hatred

He threw the mask down and went back to bed, he needs more sleep before dealing with this shit. Tim woke up to Ghost Jay screaming in his ear to wake up

"You seem happy" Tim murmured and sat up to look at his ghost

Jay was clean and looked like he did before death. A kind smile placed upon his face. This made Tim smile back, and of course got up to get ready for the day. Talking and laughing with his ghost, until Jay disappeared. He started getting angry. Grabbing the mask and going on a drive to a Familiar forest Rosswood. He parked and got out holding the mask, he just started walking, walking, and walking

"What is" Tim asked himself and stared at the Gigantic mansion in front of him.

"TIM!!!" Shouts a familiar voice

"B-Bri-" Tim was cut off by Brian hugging his friend tight

Tim started to crying and hugged Brian back, they both started to cry. Oh how these two missed each other. Tim had thought that his friend was dead but so ecstatic that he wasn't.

"I...I thought you were." Tim stammered

"He saved me..."


"The Operator...My boss"

To be continued

Hey everyone it's Moth this is the first Time I'm doing something serious like this and so far I'm proud of it yes I know it's short but trust me I'll start working more and more on it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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