Chapter 1 !

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''Where is Lisa ''I was asked .  

''I Dont know what you are talking about Zack ''!!  


There goes another slap on my face for the 10th time In 30 minutes.If that was how much I counted.

''You know Where she is Angelicya So don't play games '' 

''Zack I'm serious I cant let you hurt Lisa Shes all I got Please Don't Hurt her ''. I pleaded

~FLASHBACK~( High School Year)

Well it all started in high school I was a sophomore and it was this new student named Zack.He would always look at Me and smile like he liked me. But there were rumors It was that he was rich and he could stand by you and Smile and the next minute you falling in love with him .Well lets just That I didn't listen to the rumors .And instead of being the nerd I was I followed The Steps that a person who hadn't been to high school or was a drop out . His eyes were hazel with a spec of green , hair was a dirty blond , and light bright pale skin and he would look at you and you would eventually fall under his spell. In a minute of time.


''I am suppose to be your wife and all you do is treat me like I'm some trash on the streets, all I ask is some respect around here my daughter risks seeing her mother get hurt every single minute And then you go asking for her.. Zack This is reality.'' I Said

But I even got punched in front of Her one time and while she was sitting there crying yelling my name I Tried to pull and getaway but he was to strong for me I yelled ' help!' no one answered But I knew that had heard me But they pretended not to .So Started Cussing Him Out '' Zack I promise you On my Way out of here you will regret you ever knew me . ''. Call me crazy but I just didn't feel sincere around him. He pushed me against the kitchen sink . I hurried and grabbed the knife in the rack before I could think of any other thought I was thinking I hurried up and stabbed him in his arm/hand. 

I grabbed my child Next and just ran for my life I couldn't take it any more I tired of living that life as the wife I never wanted to be  but I felt like he would change one day ..Could i Be stupid ???

Me and my Daughter just looked at each other when we were faraway as we could be.As I was running a guy stopped and asked was I OK I looked at the ground Before my eyes could give it away.He picked up my daughter and told me to look up , which I did and told me something I Never thought any one would ask me but hey I have no one but me and Lisa . "Would you like to......



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