Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I AM straight! Am I?

No Harry, you are straight and your not in love with Louis... Harry, why are you denying it, if you don't feel that way? Shut up voice! Urghh. Stupid voices. This is my life why can't I choose who I fall in love with?

I looked at Louis peace full sleepy face. He looked so carefree and happy it would be difficult to tell that he was almost broken around 10 hours ago!

" hungry... Harry feed meee!" my stomach groaned

I got up from the bed panting a light kiss on Louis forehead before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

I turned the bob on and waited for the pan to heat up hearing the satisfying sizzle of the bubbling oil I poured some pancake mix into the pan the delicious scent of fresh pancakes filled the air.

I finished making the pancakes and put them on two plates one for me and one for Lou. I finished them up by putting strawberries ontop followed by maple syrup and made my way upstairs carefully carrying the two plates.

I reached my bedroom and put the plates down on my desk and got back into bed.

Louis POV

*" I want what I can't have

I wanna make you mine

I don't care what it takes" Harry sung in his angelic low husky voice making me blush.

Wait. What. Why am I dreaming about Harry ? And why is he singing me a love song? I don't love Harry do I? No, no! That's impossible! I am straight! Proof! Eleanorr is my ... Was my girlfriend. Wait. Does she mean Harry when she said I loved someone else?

" I'm fearless with my heart

I'll take it any place

I don't care if it breaks" he continued, coming closer to me.

His voice so perfect

Mmm. He smells like pancakes.


Harry made me pancakes! Yay!

Mmmmm yummy! I can't wait! But that means I have to wake up! But then I won't get to hear his voice...

" I wanna tell you things

I never tell myself

These secrets hurt like hell" *

I gave into the smell of pancakes and opened my eyes but the song didn't stop. Harry was sitting in bed next to me his face only inces from my own.

" call me crazy maybe I'm insanely

Out of my mind but it will never phase me

If I have to I'm not afraid to save my heart for you" Harry sung perfectly copying Jason reeves perfect tune.

I smiled at him and he leant in and kissed my forehead lightly.

" morning boobear." he said after pulling away.

" noting hazza" I replied smiling and probably blushing like mad, why was I blushing? Maybe it was his closeness or maybe it's just cold? shut up Louis! You know very well that it is because Harry sung you a love song! Shut up stupid brain...

Harry got out of the bed and it hit me. The coldness of the air against my bare skin. Harry had kept me so warm. I snuggled down deeper into the covers to try and get warm again . Harry sat down on the bed and put a plate of pancakes on his lap. And I suddenly felt all warm again.

" any for me?" I asked

" these are for you" he said in a slow deep voice.

I felt my face heat up and I must be blushing like an idiot...

Harry cut a bit off of the pancake and stabbed it win the fork bringing it closer to my mouth. I opened wide and before I knew it there was the delicious taste of pancakes in my mouth. If I wasn't blushing badly before I was even redder now.

Harry handed me the plate and told me to eat it. As he leaned over the bed to pick up his own plate of food. We started eating.

" open wide haz " I sung loudly Harry turned to face me and his face met my fork full of pancakes the pancake fell o my fork and landed on his chest.

" I think you missed some hazza" I said laughing.

Harry just turned to look at me he was blushing a bit with a smirk on his lips.

" sorry?" I questioned with a cheesy smile. He rolled his eyes and I took a napkin and whipped of the food from his chest. He was blushing like a mad man.

Harry's POV

That was so embarrassing! Harry! Since when did you blush when Louis touches you? It's these stupid feelings! urghh.. Stupid feelings! I probably looked like an idiot! Maybe I do have a little tiny crush on him. A little tiny crush. That's all. That's all it is now that's the most It will ever be. I won't let it get further.

We finished eating and got changed. We were down stairs at the sink washing up after our breakfast.

" vas happenin'?" zayn yelled

I couldn't help but giggle, since when did I giggle?

" FOOD !" niall yelled pushing me out of the way runnin to the fridge. I almost fell but Louis caught me. I felt my face heat up again. Oh god not again I am blushing. Madly. In the arms of my crush: Louis Tomlinson. Yes, it's a crush a little tiny crush. I looked up and my eyes were met my a pair of bright blue orbs staring back at me. Louis eyes were me with happiness and his face looked beautiful. His light feathery hair stuck out in all directions whilst his slightly red cheeks and blue eyes had a welcoming feeling he made me feel safe and at home.

" haz, you alright you spaced out there man," Louis said still holding me not daring to break eye contact.

" ye fine." I said quickly regaining my balance and standing up properly.

" we have an interview" I said quickly changing

The subject

" oh great. gunna have to tell them about how I broke up with el, but then we can tell hem about us!" Louis said jokingly hugging me

All I can say is that Louis has managed to get over Eleanor faster than I thought.

Louis POV

That was hot! No! Not hot! Friendly? Loving ? How can catching a hot guy be hot? Lou, you just called Harry hot? Yes! He is tho. Okay he is good looking, now stop honking about this stupid crush and move! crush... Well I guess it is sorta a crush. Yes. I Louis Tomlinson have a crush on my best STRAIGHT friend Harry styles. Perfect... ( note sarcasm)

My train of thought was interrupted by a happy sounding Liam.

"yes for once we are all ready on time! " he yelled happily. We all laughed Niall laughed so hard some food came out of his mouth and Harry got covered. The poor boy isn't having a good day considering the pancake incident. Harry turned to Niall and gave him a death glare. Niall just smiled politely.

" let's go boys the car is waiting" Liam said whilst I remove the food from the back of Harry with a damp rag.

" I wanna sit next to my boo!" Harry yelled

" dibs" I yelled wrapping my arm around harry's waist.

We made our way into the car and drove off the the interview.

those love letters  ON HOLD. -larry stylinson- fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now