chapter 3

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Louis POV

We all hopped into the car. Zayn in the front with Paul. Liam and niall in the middle and Harry and I in the back. The car engine started up and reversed out of the parking space and drove away. I heard harry yawn and rest his head on my shoulder. Sending shivers down my spine. I smiled to myself and listened to the steady breathing of a sleeping Harry. I rested my head on top of his before drifting off myself.


"boobear, babe wake up!" I heard Harry Say before kissing me on my forehead. I felt myself smile and I opened my eyes. Shit his face was close to mine my gaze dropped to his lips and I felt his eyes looking at me. Then at my lips. I looked up and my eyes met his own as the distance between us closed and our noses were touching centimetres between our lips. " Louis! Wake the fuck up!" zayn yelled I suddenly opened my eyes to see a still sleeping Harry and and Angry looking zayn. " good your awake now wake up Harry, that's your job!" he exclaimed before climbing out of the car and walking away tripping on some loose concrete " you never saw that!" he yelled

" never saw what?"

My head turned to see Harry now awake. I smiled to myself.

" never see what boo?" he asked again

'Your beautiful face' I thought to myself

" your not that bad either boobear , like a fitter less annoying perfect jedward." he giggled.

" shit, did I say that aloud?" I asked

He nodded grinning madly an slightly blushing.

" okay hazza let's go, we will be late for make up" 'not that you need any' I thaught.

" you don't need any either boobear, your perfect just the way you are" Harry said in a charming flirty voice.

I got out the car and held my hand out for Harry to take.

" thank you my lovely lady " he said taking my hand and climbing out of the car.

He swung his arm around my waist and my arm rested around his shoulder as we walked into he studio.

Liam's POV ( yes IKR! Liam POV!)

" Lou , Harry! There you are! Okay let me explain, there are four dressing rooms here and you two are sharing, because whenever you get separate dressing rooms you end up hanging out together in one. So you guys are sharing here's the key" I threw the key up in the air and Louis caught it.

We all separated to go to our dressing rooms. Niall's dressing room was opposite mine.

" hey, nialler. Have you noticed anything different y Louis an haz lately?" I asked

" yer dey mor tuchy and kip blushing round echuva" he said whilst stuffing food in his mouth.

( translation: yeah they are more touchy and keep blushing around eachother )

" I think they like eachother "

Niall looked at me swallowing his food.

" no shot they like eachother li, they are best friends!" he said playfully slapping my chest.

" no Niall I mean like like!"

" omg! Could larry be real?" he said in a mock reporter voice and a low chuckle escaped my mouth.

" keep an eye out nailer!" I warned

" didn't have to tell me li, larry stylinson all the way!" Niall laughed

Niall is the biggest larry shipper of course he will be excited.

Harry's pov

" wow this dressing room is massive!" Louis yelled

those love letters  ON HOLD. -larry stylinson- fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now