chapter ~2~ sheets

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I wake up to my alarm going off because today i have to work i'm really tired because my dad kept me up all night yelling at me

he was drunk so i had to get him from the bar one of the people that works at the bar called me they have my number on speed dial

i looked at my alarm clock to see what time it was it said 6:30 so i got up and got in the shower and when i got out it was 6:51

i went to my closet and picked out a pink crop top and white skinny jeans with my favorite black boots and when i got done i go downstairs to make myself breakfast like i usual do

my dad was passed out on the couch so i had to be quiet when I was  done i go back upstairs to get my phone and i see i have a missed call from Kalista i listen to the voiemail

Voiemail from Kalista

Oh my gosh
Savannah where the hell
Are you your are late for work

The end of  Voiemail

Oh fuck

I grab my bag and run down the stairs i was two feet away from the door and my dad grad my arm

Where do you think you are going My dad asked

I am going to work  i say

No you are not he said

I have to i said in a scared voice

I don't care he says in a scary voice

I yank my arm out of his hands and run upstairs be for i get to my room my dad pulled my hair and i scremed and he put his hand over my mouth i bit his hand and i run in my room and shut the door and lock it i go to my window and jump out and hit the ground hard i get up and run to work

I finally get to work i go through the back door and sign in and go to the front counter to get to work and see Kalista

where the hell have you been your late. Kalista asked Worried.

Kalista is like the big sister I never had any she takes Care of me like a best friends/sister would.

I know I'm sorry I say to her

what happened to your hair she asked.

my dad was drunk all night and when i was living my house to come here he got mad and pulled my hair.

Omg are you okay.

Yeah  I'm fine.

Okay go get to work I'm Clinton go kill your dad kalista said.

See what i mean

3 hours later

Kalista: Hey you have to go  work the front counter  now

Me: okay 

Me: How my i help you i ask  the customer

The customer: Ya i would like a muffin and a small coffee

Me: okay what.s your name

The customer: Chandler Riggs

Me: okay Chandler your coffee will be done in a Minute

Chandler: okay

10 minute later

Chandler: do you believe in love at first site or should I walk by again?.

Me: did you just hit on me

Chandler: sorry my friend told me i had to

Me: oh

Chandler: no i-i mean you are beautiful but i have a girlfriend

Me: no i don't care if you like me or not it's just you don't do that to people i mean if you don't like some you don't hit on them so you can try to be cool because your not

Chandler: sorry

Me: i don't care if you are sorry just take your coffee and go

Chandler: i said sorry

Me: i don't care go NOW

I go in the back and see kalista

And walk over to her

Me: hey

Kalista: OH MY GOSH do know who he was

Me: what

Kalista: that guy Chandler

Me: no just some guy


Me: so

Kalista: what you don't know who Chandler Riggs is

Me: no why

Kalista:because he is for the walking dead

Me:okay and i care why

Kalista: because he likes you

Me: No his friend told him to do that

Kalista: oh sorry

Me: it,s fine

Kalista: okay lets go clean up the front

Me: okay

We go to the front i got the table and kalista gets the cornter kalista scremed and i jumped and ran over by her

Me: what

Kalista: sorry i found a audition sheet. For the walking dead


So guess what your going to be doing

Hey guys this is my 1st book on wattpad  but i hope you like so
love ya all


(Holyshit that was bad I would just re-write it but I don't want to btw this is Savannah from the future here to say fuck life
No I'm kitten around lol see what I did there sorry you may go back to the book)

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