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OMG 1.64K READ ahhhhhh!!!!!!!OMG Thank you all of you.
You all help me a lot I know no one cares but this its amazing I can't believe it I love all of you I know no one really reads my book or votes but I'm still really happy about this Thank you Thank you Thank you I wish I could hug all of you I was bout to cry when I saw I had 1.64K on this book I know it's not that good of a book and sorry about that

You guys are amazing I did Thank it would get this big I just did it for me really I just was like hey I love Chan so why not make a fanfic so here it is I started this idk like a couple months ago and I never thought that it would get 1.64K I was so happy when I got 1 read it was a good feeling knowing someone looked at it then after maybe my 5th Chapter someone started voteing on to she was so nice and I love her books I'll put her name at the bottom so you can go read her books she is a really good wirter


I'm really happy about this I hope you guys like my book I will be going over this book to make sure it's all good and I know it needs work I am so fucking happy I can't even hold still I miss this book but I know I did guess a okay job on it I know no one really wants me to go on about this but THANKS!! Again


omqcarily THANK YOU so much lilly I never would of kept writing if it wasn't for you really it made me really happy having someone that liked my shitty ass book thank you again girl
Love ya

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