Part 6 (trigger warning)

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Before Kuroo and Naoki went to the restaurant, they walked around a plaza near by. The plaza was filled with shopping stores. The plaza was also a park so it was filled with flowers, benches and it had a fountain. While they were walking, multiple men kept staring at Kuroo with a lustful look, thinking that he is a women. After the walk, they went to a diner instead of a restaurant, yet again, every male couldnt take their eyes off Kuroo. When he went to the mens bathroom, a group of three men followed Kuroo smirking. As Kuroo was washing his hands, one of the male spoke "whats a doll like you doing in the mens bathroom?" Kuroo looked at them and chuckled "im not a female" He pointed at his crotch, the men looked at it " what? you still look like a snack~ i would like to eat you instead of the sucky food here~"  Kuroo smirked, his eyes narrowed into fierce look. The men cornered Kuroo. "im sorry gentlemen but i am here with a date, i fear you will have to target someone else. ciao~" Kuroo walked out, his hips swaying in a sassy way as he walked. The men smirk grew bigger as they followed Kuroo and Naoki to a near by cafe. when they entered, Kuroo bought the drinks and music started playing. (WARNING: This part contains some 18+ and trigger warning, if uncomfortable please skip this part!)Kuroo started dancing, one of the men went up to Kuroo and started touching his crotch and butt. The men slipped the hand in Kuroo's shorts. "H-hey! what the hell do you think you are doing?!" The man stayed quiet as he inserted one finger inside of Kuroo "A-ah~" Kuroo covered his mouth. The man licked Kuroo's neck while also moving their finger inside him "whats wrong ?~" Kuroos eyes filled with tears "p-please..Ah!..s-stop!.." he said as the man inserted himself inside of Kuroo, thrusting hard and rough. people didnt notice since the cafe was also a secret club. it was crowded and people were dancing, it was also dark. "N-Naoki! Help!" The man moaned in Kuroo's ear. Naoki was in the bathroom the whole time since he didnt like crowds. The men took Kuroo in the bathroom to do more but when Naoki saw Kuroo he became mad. He didnt like the fact that the men were doing that to his best friend. Naoki kicked the men away from kuroo, he quickly grabbed kuroo and ran back to the car and drove both him and Kuroo home. During the drive, Naoki apologized and started comforting Kuroo. when they arrived, Naoki dropped off Kuroo making sure he went inside the house safely. after he went inside the house. Naoki drove home. Everybody was still in the living room, Kuroo saw Shoyo and Kenma making out in the corner while Bokuto and Akaashi singed. Everybody looked at Kuroo and panicked when they saw him roughed up and messed up. Kuroo started coughing and ran to his room coughing small whole orange flowers. Everybody ran to Kuroo and started banging on Kuroo's door trying to find out what had happen to make him roughed up. Bokuto entered leaving everyone outside the door. He rushed over to Kuroo, cleaning the blood and flowers. "what happened to you Kuroo?..." Kuroo started sobbing "i was raped.."

Creator here, sorry for the trigger but i hope you still liked it anyways i gtg so goodbye. *kith kith*

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