Chapter 32

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"Hi, sorry I'm so late." Roman said as he ran downstairs and on stage. "I... cut my hand."

"That's fine, Roman." Ace said, running a hand through their hair. "Okay everyone! Now that everyone's here, we're going to try for a run-through before we start adding in props and things. First places!"

Roman sat down at the bottom of the scaffolding at the back of the stage and tried not to look at anyone. He knew they were all annoyed at him for holding up rehearsal. And it wasn't the first time the cast wasn't happy with him.

The music started and Roman looked up and started singing.

"Stop! Stop!" Ace yelled over the top of the music. They sighed and ran a hand through their hair again. "Roman, have you warmed up?"

"Oh crap."

Ace closed their eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine, it's fine. We've already wasted enough time so, um, is their anyone else who's able to sing Roman's part?" Someone raised their hand. "Evan, thank you. Okay, let's try this again. Sorry for interrupting, Aaron. Let's keep going."

"Hey, um, Aaron?"

"Hm?" Aaron looked up from packing away his sheet music. "Uh, yeah?"

Roman scratched the back of his head. "Could you help me learn lines? Just, we're basically meant to be off-book and-"

"Um, sure. Uh, let me finish packing up and then I'll tell Ace I'm gonna lock up."

Roman nodded and sat on the edge of the stage, swinging his legs. He looked at his hands and just let his mind wander into sort of nothingness, something he'd never really done before.

Aaron jumped up next to him, making Roman jump.

"You got your script?"

"Uh-m, yeah. Yeah." Roman handed Aaron his script.

"You okay, Roman?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, yeah. I... I'm fine." Roman tried smiling like his normal self and failed.

"Oh...kay. Well, if you're not okay, you can always talk to me, mkay?"

Roman nodded but didn't say anything. Aaron started looking through the script until he shook his head.

"No, no, I'm not rehearsing lines with you until you're less mopey. It's worrying."

"I-I'm not mopey."

"Roman, I've known you for the good part of three years. And you have a tendency to overshare so I know basically everything about you. Not that that's a bad thing." Aaron sighed. "But anyway, this is not you. And I want to know where the real you's gone and you don't have to tell me right out but I know you're gonna have to tell me sometime."

"I don't have to-"

"You do though. Otherwise it'll get worse. And when things get worse for you, those things tend to burst out of you."

Roman bit his lip and looked down at his hands. He took a breath. "Um, so, let's say that there's this person and this person... kinda knows me better than I know me, if that makes any sense. And this person... they've never lied. At least, not to me." Roman rubbed the back of his neck. "And then they start saying all these... things to me that are about me. And I'm just... scared." He took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes. "I'm just really scared that the things they're saying to me are true. Because they're horrid things but... what if they are true?"

"Hey, hey." Aaron said quietly. "Whatever they're saying to you, it's not. True. Okay? Besides, what does Virgil know?"

Roman looked up. "H-How did you-"

Aaron shrugged. "It was pretty obvious. Never lies? Knows you better than you know, somehow? Look, whatever Virgil's said to you is not true. He's just being mean. That's just him doing his thing. Being mean without realising it. And that's hurting you. So, maybe take a break from him? And it's difficult to take a break from the person that... nevermind. Anyway," he handed Roman back his script, "go home. You need some time to yourself."

I... I just... I don't know what this was, honestly. Did, um, did, was, uh... Was it good?

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