Chapter one

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Chapter one.

Cool water lapping against my warm cheek awoke me from my unconscious state. The first sense that came back to me: hearing. The ocean’s waves were whooshing and crashing into one another, into rocks and onto a bank of some description. Then smell. It was sweet, the ocean brought in a slightly fishy scent but not to the extent where it would be over powering. It smelt nice and reminded me of donkey rides and ice cream. A dull pain ignited in the recesses of my mind, threatening to become a fast spreading forest fire through my body. The pain elapsed with the return of my sense of taste. A salty, bitter taste was burning the back of my throat. I instantly knew that it was sea water, it could not be mistaken for anything else.. I did not wretch however, because I was startled by my sudden regain of the sense of touch. I was lying parallel to the world. The ground was made up of millions of different grains, thin grains that fell through my bony fingers. Sand! My sense of vision clarified what I had been expecting. I stared up at an open blue sky, cloudless, a lone gull drifted overhead. I looked down at my body. I was clad in a simple pair of green shorts and a white tank shirt that didn't quite fit my height. No shoes. Sea foam covered my legs.

I felt weak.  I could barely hold my head up, but the tide was creeping in and the sun was gradually sailing into the ocean. Night was coming and suddenly, the element of fear crept up on me. I realised abruptly that I had no recollection of who I was, where I was or what was happening. My weakness evaporated as I shot up and glared around. People my age were dotted all around the beach: Boys, Girls, Children, Teenagers…but no adults…none, anywhere. I cast my eyes around the sandy beach. No adults. No one seemed to be over the age of seventeen or eighteen. The youngest had to be four years old, possibly three. 

I turned to look out at the sea. Where had we come from? I was sure that I would remember something if I thought hard enough about it. I began to walk away from the mass of scattered childrens bodies and to a large boulder that looked like a good look-out spot and tried to forced myself to remember things - but nothing came. By the time that I reached the boulder, I had acomplished nothing more than a headache. The boulder was too steep to climb. I sighed and leant my head against its flat surface. Remembering seemed like staring at a blank white wall; newly painted - everything hidden away, but once there was something there...something malicious. 

A tap on my shoulder sent me jumping feet into the air. 

"Sorry," came a meek whisper from behind me. I span around to see a girl about my age. She had long, mousey flowing hair that fell past her hips. She wore a summer dress in pale green with a pair of black sandals. Petals threaded through a piece of grass tied through her hair made me smile. My little sister used to do that. The fire in my mind roared and blurred my vision. I dropped to my knees and grabbed handfuls of salt, gagging, waiting for the bone crunching sounds inside my skull to fade. After what felt like an eternity, my vision cleared and I could see the girl standing above me. She had her arms folded and wore an expression of one part confusion and one part fear. "Did I sca-"

"No, no, I'm fine" I muttered as I pushed myself to my feet and brushed my hair off my face. Her lips began to form questions enquiring to my well being. I interrupted "Where are we?"

"I...have no idea," she frowned. Her hopeful tone vanished and was replaced with one of sadness, her hope ebbing away "I followed you all the way here because I thought you would." She sank down in the sand and held her head in her hands with her back against the boulder. "I don't even know my own name". I watched a tear slide down her cheek. The flower braided into her long hair gave me the motivation that I needed. I squatted down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Let’s go and get everyone up. I don't like being the only ones awake." She shook her head, but I stood up. "Come on, someone might have some answers". She slowly lifted her head from her hands and looked up at me. Her eyes lit up once more as she wiped the lone tear and nodded once. I pulled her to her feet and we began walking towards where the people had been lying, but the beach was bare. Footsteps leading up to a sand dune told us where people were. Four people remained on the beach: the little boy, a young girl of around six, a young boy of about ten and a boy of about fifteen. I pointed to the little boy and the little girl and my new friend walked over to wake them and I walked over to wake the other two boys. I shook the boy of about ten and his eyes shot open instantly.

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