Chapter four

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Chapter four. 

                The door did not creek as I had expected it to. It slid smoothly open and quietly hit the wall behind. I stepped into the room and gazed around. Empty. I was alone in the room. I had expected the other four girls to be sat waiting in anticipation of myself - the fifth girl, but not so. I peered around and took in the decoration of the room. The wall was painted a dirty green and looked very much like camouflage. The hut was a circular shape and five beds were placed on the wall in a circle, the ends of the beds almost touching. Beside each bed was a small chest of drawers, each one a different shade of brown. The hut looked very clean and tidy, but it was ever so cold! A thick, fluffy, green rug spread across the wooden floor and under the beds and chests of drawers. In the center of the room, holding the hut up was a tall wooden beam. The beds ends were each a meter away from the beam and opposite the beds on the beam were small ridges that looked like you should put something there. I dumped my bag on the bed second from the right and slid off my boots before sitting down and gazing at the beam and the ridges and dents, wondering what their purpose was as everywhere else on the beam was smooth.

                My name suddenly appeared on the beam before me. I leapt up and dashed towards the beam - my name was glowing a dull golden colour. I placed my hand on it. A searing pain swept through my hand, up my arm, up my neck and into my brain. I pulled my hand back but it was too late. The glowing words were still visible as I clamped my eyes shut and slid down onto the floor. The scene played out in my head: A huge fire tore through a tree house and a young girl leapt from it, falling, down, down, down into the fire. A younger girl stood in the fire, burning, her skin peeling away - yet she smiled an eerily familiar smile. My vision blurred though tears and the pain subsided, down my neck, down my arm and into my hand - tingling and aching. My throat felt numb, I guessed I had probably been groaning and screaming in pain. I cradled my injured hand in the other and opened it up fully. A monstrous blister covered my entire hand from the base of my thumb to the start of my fingers. I touched it with my left hand and was shocked to find it still boiling hot.

                Without my knowing it, I had started crying though hopelessness. I knew who those people were in that fire. The words came to my head but I had to push them away. I had already seen too much today, my head could not take much more. I pulled myself up from off the floor and made sure to keep the material of my clothes far from my palm as I took my clothes off and laid them messily on the floor next to the bed I had chosen. I threw my rucksack down next to the clothes and slid under the rough, knitted blankets. As I slid in, I peered at my scarred legs. Burns leave awful scars.  They hadn't been there earlier on, or was I only noticing them now? My arms were not to bad but my stomach was awful, the burns in spirals all around my stomach and back.

                From under my itchy blanket, I reached down and pulled my rucksack onto the bed. Where could everyone be? Trickster had clearly stated aloud that people should check their rucksacks - and we had - and here we were. I felt sorry for Jack - all alone in his hut. I knew then that I had to go and check on him. Trickster's face loomed in my head and I felt a chill of horror zap down my spine. I was scared and I knew what was to happen in this crazy little world we were stuck in but Jack didn't. He still thought Trickster was the bad guy. I leapt out of my bed and awkwardly threw on my shorts and t-shirt. I was already walking out of the door when I realized I had forgotten to put on my boots! I turned back, quickly shoved them on one handedly and pulled my rucksack over my bad arm with my healthy hand - perhaps I would need it? I pushed open the door that I had only recently entered via and stepped into the cool night - and bumped into a young girl.

                She only looked about ten, with her awkward posture and messy, lank hair hanging down below her ears. She had mud and tears streaked all over her pale face and she looked as if she had seen a ghost. "Oh gosh, are you okay?" I backed up and held the door open for her to walk past me into the room. Instead, she just stood, staring at me, her lips slightly parted as if she had been about to say something, but nothing came out. "Are you okay?" I repeated, wondering if she were perhaps deaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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