Chapter two

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Chapter two 

Trickster turned from us and ripped open the heart with his dagger, soaking the shimmering blade in the recently deceased lions's blood. He threw the heart at the ground and covered it over with sand with his bare foot. He cleared his throat and turned back around to face us. He waited with mock patience for straight, orderly queues and twisted the dagger around with this thumb and forefinger.

The girls and boys were separated and Trickster was at the base of the rucksack mountain holding his scroll and his dagger. A thin trickle of blood dripped from the end of his dagger that he let fall on the sand - dying it an off-red colour. The two lines of scared children filed past the levitating man and the rucksacks. I stood behind a redhead who was much much taller than me. She was crossing her fingers. Once everyone was settled and quiet, Trickster unrolled his scroll. "I'm not a traditional man. So Gentlemen; you're up!" He ran the blade of his dagger down the paper and stabbed in a random position. A boy dropped to his knees and began screaming in the other queue.

"Aghh!" he roared out, holding his head. I knew the pain he was facing; Trickster was making him remember something. "STOP!" huge tears dripped down his chocolate coloured cheeks. "Please!" He stopped moving for a split second where a silence filled the air. Was he dead? Trickster clicked his fingers and the boy began struggling and pleading once more.

"Tell me what you see!" Trickster taunted. "Tell me what you can see boy!" he paced up to the rucksacks and pulled one out at random. The rucksack looked as though it had been thrown into a pile of dirt and rubbed in grass. Not too appealing. However, the boy was too busy writhing in pain to know anything of the rucksack.

"Green! AGH! Bright green and brown! Please! Stop!" he pleaded. And sure enough, as soon as it started, it stopped. Trickster held the rucksack out on his dagger hand, the scroll rolled up in the crook of his arm.

"My boy, you tell the truth. I should reward you...but I am a very sick old man, so I will not. All you have to do is keep on the honest path." he thrust the rucksack at the boy. "Now away with you." The old man pushed the boy away. A horrified look spread across his face. 

"But where?" I don't know anything, please tell me the answers." he was on the ground, grappling at Tricksters cloak and robes. Tricksters foot came up and - smack! He kicked the boy square in the face. 

"Take your rucksack and get out of here!" a trail of blood crept from the boys nose. "Take it and go," the old man was hinting at something. The boy’s face was still confused and scared, yet he looked slightly comical and I had to stifle a chuckle due to his vacant stare and the single trail of blood creeping from his nostril and dripping to the ground where he sprawled. "Get up!" The boy jumped up and wiped the blood from his face, smearing it all over his long sleeved white shirt and over his face, subsequently making himself look like a sunburnt lobster. "Get away from here. Go where you feel you must and look through this!" he pointed his finger at the rucksack and struck him. "GO!" he was infuriated. "Get away!" and so the boy scarpered with his dirty rucksack. A smile spread across Tricksters face as the boy disappeared into the forest. "Now, a girl." he opened the scroll the other way around and began running the blade down the parchment. He stabbed at one and the girl with the red hair before me dropped to her knees and screamed out once in shock. Trickster pulled out a misty coloured rucksack from the pile and held it on the crook of his arm. It looked funny on a background of his dirty, black cloak and his purple robes - much out of place as a bull in a china shop.

The red-head looked ugly when her face tore into a distorted scowl. She was biting her lips and refused to cry out. Her face suddenly relaxed as her entire body went limp. A second turned into two and two into three as she stopped moving and again I questioned myself, "Is she dead?" Trickster clicked his fingers and she shot back to life and still refused to cry. After around thirty seconds of her silent pain, she roared out in anguish "AHH! Help me! God damn it!" she was slowly pulling out of her pain as Trickster beckoned her. She slowly arose from her curled up position on the ground and turned to face me. "Good luck," she whispered before turning and walking towards Trickster.

Lost Island - Secrets.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora