╚════════════════════╝having to drag hyunjin back to the group and convince him that he wasn't going to die because of lee minho had been more of a difficult task han jisung had anticipated. in all honesty, he was worried for hyunjin because he knew very well that he wasn't careful when it came to things like love and dating.
"i just don't think you have to decide on your child's name! like just call them 'child' until they're old enough to name themselves, you know?" jeongin conversed with the two other boys who seemed to be quite entertained by his unusual topics.
"like, it's your life right??" the second hyunjin and jisung came into view, the red headed boy shot glares at them. "it took you five minutes to get two bottles of water and an apple juice?""machine got jammed."
hyunjin was more than thankful that jisung was quick witted and came up with good lies and excuses. except that was a double edged sword because he often found jisung tangled in many white lies and had to help untangle him with whatever stupid solution the two came up with.
the extra four minutes was actually hyunjin debating whether he should face minho again or bury himself six feet under. second option was tempting enough to him for jisung to step in. bless that boy.
"apple juice?" a familiar voice questioned, blinking down at the copper-y colored beverage. "i thought you'd be more of an orange juice person." minho admitted, quirking an eyebrow in interest which hyunjin found very attractive— okay, but like, when did he not find minho attractive?
the pisces scrunched his nose, shaking his head no. "of course not, apple juice is the superior juice." hyunjin plopped his colorful backpack on the table, unzipping it and pulling out a tin of cookies. "but that's entirely irrelevant because you all need to be my cookie taste testers!" and why would any of the boys decline that offer.
hyunjin had been trying to bake more often now, always trying new recipes. specifically chocolate chip cookie recipes, it was hard getting the perfect cookie, it needed the right amount of chocolate chips, right amount of gooeyness, and just the perfect amount of crunch! though, he still had a long, long way to go on his baking journey seeing as the birthday cake he had attempted to bake for jeongin was a total fail... somehow. he desperately needed a baking buddy of some sort except neither jeongin or jisung would ever be interested.
"wow, hyunjin! these are really good." chan was the first to comment, mostly because the other three were stuffing their mouths with delicious cookies.
"thanks, i've been baking a lot recently. you guys can come over after school if you want," he offered with a bright smile, monday's always consisted of baking and helping jisung with his art projects. "i mean, of course you can decline the offer but a study session with freshly baked goods sounds pretty nice to me." hyunjin coaxed, the more the merrier and his mom would love to know that he associated with more than two people out of the entirety of his school. "bonus, i have a dog."
his gaze flickered between chan and minho, knowing very well that the two other would be there anyways. "i'm in!" minho chimed without a second thought.
"yeah, alright. if that's okay, i'd love to join you guys." chan spoke, a smile decorating his features.
"perfect! my parents would love to meet you two." the pisces beamed, more than happy to sprout new friendships. maybe it was about time to branch out to new people other than the two he'd know since the sixth grade. not that it was a bad thing, his other friends had just never stuck with him and he was content with the boys he was close to now.
before anyone else could say another thing, the shrill bell had rung and it was time to say their goodbyes— except for jeongin and hyunjin, their classes were luckily just across from each other. with a long groan, hyunjin had slung his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed the empty cookie tin.
"oh, you only have two classes left you baby." minho teased, getting a pouty glare from hyunjin.
"yes, two very long classes that i don't want to go to." he huffed, watching as jisung and jeongin had ran past the two to race each other to class, chan close behind them to make sure the two reckless students wouldn't injure themselves or cause any trouble.
a gentle spring breeze hit the two with a gentle force, leaves fluttering in the wind. spring time was always one of hyunjin's favorite seasons, sunny weather, pretty flowers, the occasional rain showers here and there.
minho let the gentle wind tousle his chestnut brown hair feeling the cool sensation of the breeze on his cheek as he turned to the boy next to him. "what do you have fifth?"
"language arts, and then it's finally time to go home!" hyunjin valued his education and loved learning and all that, but some days he just wanted to have nothing to do with school or anything of the sorts. especially if he was being frowned upon by teachers by his current knowledge on the subject— or lack thereof. he was a slow learner, not like one of those knowledge sponges that soaked up information just like that. it made him come off as stupid or dumb. he knew he wasn't, no one thought that but he couldn't help but feel like it when everyone else around him was excelling.
slow learning caused late work, late work caused lower grades, low grades caused stress, and school started to feel like it was all about a memory and guessing game rather than taking a concept and learning from it. but in the end he always pulled through with average grades... somehow. but boy was his ninth grade year rough. he'd rather not look back on that time where he was bombarded with work that actually mattered for once. no thanks to middle school for 'preparing' him for high school.
"with mr. volt, right? i hated him."
"he's not that bad." hyunjin chuckled, swinging his arms back and forth as the two walked, now nearing the main building where there last few classes were held. "at least you didn't have that one teacher that taught french a couple years back, i heard she yelled at a student in french for getting his conjugations wrong." he frowned. hyunjin chose french to learn— not his best decision, but he thought the language and culture was pretty. still hated his teacher though. why were all the french teachers so mean anyways?
"are you taking french?" hyunjin responded with a silent nod, it wasn't his favorite. he kind of wished he took mandarin or spanish. his eyes flickered between students as the two made their way through the hallways, weaving between hurried bodies trying to get to their own classes or lockers. suddenly, hyunjin's classroom came into view, the familiar door that was decorated in paper crafts by the help of some of the art kids... hyunjin being one of them.
"oh, can you speak?"
the pisces thought for a moment, racking through all the french phrases in his mind, there weren't many he knew but it was enough to impress someone who wasn't fluent.
"tu es dans toutes mes pensées."
before minho could ask what the phrase meant, hyunjin had slinked away in the crowd, making a beeline towards his classroom, leaving the guitarist clueless in the sea of students.
"pfft, okay mister mysterious." minho scoffed, navigating his way through the bustling hallways.

Fanfiction"hey baby, won't you look my way?" since when does lee minho, one of the main guitarists for the band; polaris take interest in hyunjin, the most awkward artist boy ever?