Precious Little Diamond

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In a swift motion Bruno Bucciarati withdrew the knife and the body fell backwards in a splash of blood, tainting his impeccable white suit.
The young man sighed, wiping out the blood drops from his face.

As he was about to leave without another glance at the corpse he heard a cry.

Bruno turned back, his brow raised in surprise, and headed for the bedroom.

He was met with the sight of a baby, not much older than a couple months, shuffling and wailing at the top of her lungs.

It felt like a punch in the stomach and Bruno covered his mouth.

All he knew from the file he got from Giorno was that his target was single.
He certainly did not expect such a bastard to have a child.
A very young, innocent child who was now an orphan.

Bruno leaned over the bed, gently picked up the small girl in his arms and wrapped her into his jacket.
His sky blue eyes met the quivering, tear-filled golden orbs staring back at him in fear and panic.

His own eyes started watering and he felt a lump in his throat.

- Oh my god, I-I am so, so sorry I had to do this...! he told the toddler in a shaking voice. But you deserve so much better, cara mia. I promise I'll take good care of you!

She cried louder and he held her tighter against his bare chest, giving her a soft kiss on the top of the head to ease her.


Leone Abbacchio was quietly reading on the balcony, the volume of his walkman blasting in his headphones to forget about Fugo and Narancia arguing (again) in the living room. He let out an exasperated sigh, waiting for the moment they would suddenly stop yelling at each other and-... And that was it, Fugo had tackled Narancia on the coach and was straddling him with his thighs as they started furiously making out, the unsolved math problem instantly forgotten.
Leone hid a smirk.

A smirk that widened as he spotted Bruno at the door.
And that vanished when he saw him wipe his eyes.

Leone's heart missed a beat.

Bruno Bucciarati did not break down. He never cried.
He was that elegant young man with a smile brighter than the sun, always composed, who had patiently gathered all of Leone's pieces back when he had lost everything, and who had offered him a new life.
And his heart.
(The former police officer still couldn't understand what good he might have done to deserve Bruno's love).

Bruno had saved them all and had been the pillar allowing them to finally heal.

Leone feared the mission might have gone wrong so he abruptly stood up, putting down his book and headphones in a hurry.

When he spotted his boyfriend running over to him, Bruno's face lit up.
And then the goth noticed what he was carrying.

- He had a child, Leone! I just couldn't leave her there...!

The taller man froze dead in his tracks, blinked several times and pinched the bridge of his nose.
- Wh-...?!! You gotta be fucking kidd-... H-Hold on a sec, Bruno. Put that kid down and follow me.
- Sticky Fingers!

The brunette's stand unzipped out of thin air.
- Ari?
His user delicately set the baby into his arms and followed his boyfriend to their bedroom, Sticky Fingers right behind them.

Leone shook his head no and motioned for Bruno to sit down, diving his yellow and purple eyes into his blue ones.
- Amore, that's madness! he whisper-shouted. Do I really need to remind you we're in the fucking MAFIA?!

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