Chapter Six

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So I may or not have eavesdropped on Elle's conversation with her friend yesterday. I also may or may not have dreamt about her last night.

For the 5th time.

I don't know how much longer I can go with keeping these feelings to myself especially now that I know that she also has feelings for me.

I saw her enter the school and go straight for the bathroom so I quickly and quietly followed.

When I got there she was leaning against the sink and it sounded like she was crying.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her softly.
She let out a gasp and quickly shielded half of her face.

"I'm fine. Um don't worry about it." She spoke tearfully.

"You don't seem fine. What happened?" I slowly walked closer to her and caught a glimpse of her eye. And it was black. "Woah dude what happened to your eye?"

"Nothing. I just..I-I got hit by a um...a ball yesterday." She stuttered out. Something I've realized she does when she's nervous.

"You know you're a really bad liar. Don't worry I won't ask you a million questions. Do you mind if I look at that?"

I reached my hand up just a tad as she flinched, though she relaxed a few seconds later and took her hand away from her face.

I knew she was on edge, so I tried my best to make her comfortable. Speaking in the softest voice I could.
"It's okay if I touch you right?"

"Uh yeah go ahead."

I gently brushed my hand across her bruise as she winced. It didn't look too bad but I knew it was causing her some pain, it was also bleeding.

I wet a paper towel with a tiny bit of soap and gently took her hand.

"Okay, this is going to hurt a bit but just squeeze my hand if you need to."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly. As gently as possible I dabbed the paper towel it onto her bruise. She squeezed my hand and sucked in a harsh breath.

After a few seconds she opened her eyes to look straight into mine though I avoided eye contact as best as I could.

Her eyes were so gorgeous I spaced out when I looked into them for too long.

"How do you know how to do this?" She asked me. Making me let out a small chuckle.

"I uh, I get hurt a lot. I get in a lot of fights."

"For what?"
Well someone was curious.

"Mostly for other people. Like if I see someone being picked on or something I help them out."

"That's nice of you." She said softly. Her voice was so quiet and soft. It was actually adorable.

I looked her directly in the eyes as she stared back and I was completely mesmerized. Her eyes were the most beautiful light brown I've ever seen.

Of course I've seen her eyes before but never this close. The were slightly glistening from her previous tears and she had little dots on the white parts of her eyes. Like little freckles.

"Thanks." She gave me a light smile in response.

We sat in silence for a couple moments just staring at each other. Her eyes flickered to my lips so fast I almost didn't catch it, mine did the same.

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