A/N !!

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Ok, so hey!

This is my first and probably last time I'm writing a Wattpad novel.

You don't know much about me, I don't have a profile, (yet) etc.


I'm obsessed with a lot of stuff haha, like One Direction, Stranger Things, I really like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, Billie Eilish and yeah, I guess that's it.

Oh and I love Enola Holmes.

I love reading aswell actually, and not only Wattpad books, real shit as well.

And Taylor Swift, a main character in this book; I'm kinda getting to know more about her and I've recently started listening to her songs, which are amazing :)

I'm so awkward.

I'll also try to update on this as much as possible, and I want you guys to know that I'm extremely sorry if I don't :(

Anyways, please don't hate if there's any sort of mistake and I hope you like the story !!

(I'm so sorry for the long intro)

(Yeah, I know haylor was a long time ago, but, idk, just felt like writing one about them lol)

~MK :)

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