2) Carina

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I loved going to Baba Nastya's home. It was a small cozy grotto covered in strands of green algae, nothing special at first glance, but so much more if you stopped to take a closer look. I pushed past the algae curtain that led to Baba's home and gazed up at the shimmering violet crystals growing all around. Even though I've been here countless times, I have never grown tired of marveling at the precious jewels growing here. Baba always told me she must keep the crystals hidden away from human eyes. If they knew about the crystals, then they'd send giant steel claw monsters in and destroy Baba's home.

"I see you're still standing there," I look up to see Baba smiling at me, her violet eyes full of mischief, "it's been 5 minutes."


"Well, you know how I get with them. They're so pretty and shiny and. . ."

Magical. Was what I was gonna say but stopped because how could there be any magic in the ocean? Mama's the only one who has any real power in the kingdom and I've never seen her wield magic before. Her pink crystal scepter is the main source of her power and it never seems to do anything. It's just there to look pretty, nothing of REAL value to the rest of the kingdom.

"Yes," she chuckled, "well there's more to them than being pretty and shiny."

My eyes lit up, "Are you saying that you'll FINALLY tell me the properties of these secret crystals? Will you? Is today the day?"

"My Carina, always so curious," she looked at me with warmth in her eyes and it looked like she was gonna say something more with the way she was opening her mouth to speak, "but I believe it is now time for your apothecary lessons." Oh. Yay!

"But grandma! You promised you'd tell me someday!" I know I sounded like a spoiled merbaby but I couldn't help it.

"And you will, when you're ready."

"But you've been telling me that for hundreds of years! The suspense is killing me!"

"Now dear, you've only been taking lessons from me for 2 years now. Live a couple decades like me then we'll talk about waiting hundreds of years!"

She is really having too much fun with this.

"But in all serious grandma, when will I be ready? I've learned about practically every plant and rock in this kingdom, I know all about their properties, I know the different types of healing salves I can make from them. Quiz me on anything and I can tell you everything!"

She gave me that look again, "I know you're ready, but I know that once you learn you can't go back. You'll know too much and you won't see things the same way as they were before."


Described that way, I guess I kind of understand where she's coming from. But I'm not a child anymore! I'm almost an adult and I know that I am ready for the truth. At least Baba trusts me with SOMETHING, but the more secrets she lets me in on, the more I want to know. My appetite won't be satiated until I have filled my head with everything that I can get.

"Now," she says, holding out two aprons, "Let's begin our lesson."

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