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Ophelia Dot has no history of magic in her family whatsoever. Her family was filled with a long line of practitioners. Her parents were farmers, farmer who engaged in no silly wand waving or incantations. So, when newly 11-year-old got a letter addressed to her from a magical school, she knew it must be a joke. Her parents whom Ophelia thought were just as gullible as they were free minded. The young girl tried reasoning with her parents, insisting that this must be a hoax played by some foolish teenagers. Yet the young pair of parents insisted that girl go and get the necessary things needed to enroll. 

Ophelia still remembers that gut sinking embarrassment when her mother took her into a pet shop in London's shopping district and asked for their 'finest owl'. The look the shop keep was giving the red haired woman was similar to the one the girls have the woman when she told her the letter said she was to run through the wall of a train station. Her father, Arlo stood next to his wife nodding encourage their daughter to run into a brick pillar, their younger daughter Magdalena at his side. Jade gave her daughter a sweet smile and motioned her to go through. 

"Mum, what if I doesn't work and I run head first into a pile of bricks" The superstitious 11 year old asked her Chesshire'd grinned faced mother. "Well then we pick up and bring you home. But what if it's not a 'hoax' as you like to say" Jade let out a small laugh "and you're going to miss out on a great adventure" Jade said blue eyes sparkling  "Just try darling, for your mum and I" Arlo said holding his wife's hand. The light shining down caught his wedding band. 

With a pathetic sigh Ophelia nodded and closed her eyelids tightly. Her brown eyes covered. With a quick step she went into the wall. Her arms crossed tightly in front of her ready to rebound once she hit the opaque wall. But rather than hitting the wall, she went through. The girl had to catch her feet under her. "Hey watch it" A boy called as she nearly knocked into him. "Sorry" She mumbled in a complete trance of where she stood. 

There was a train in front of her, with 'Hogwarts Express' on the front. Smoke puffed up from the train stack and luggage was floating into the train from off of trolleys. There was an owl sitting on a perch that hooted at her. Her mother and father were behind her now. With the trolly with them. "It's real" Ophelia said turning to her mother. "See darling, isn't it wonderful? Arlo asked setting a warm hand on his daughter shoulder.

"I-I just thought..." Ophelia started speaking watching as children and parents filled in around her. "You thought it wasn't real" Jade finished for her with her normal kind smile. "Train departure in five minutes!" a man called from the train. "Well, you must be off, that is... If you'd like to still go" Arlo asked brown eyes darting to his daughter who had her arms hugged to her chest. "I-I think I would, if that's alright" Ophelia asked her parents. 

"Of course, sweet girl, it's time you start writing your own story in life" Jade said patting the side of her daughters chestnut hair that hung low in two braids. "Please do remember to call us, or write, or spell, or however this all works" Arlo said smiling down at his daughter. The parents wrapped their arms around the girl. 

"I love you" She said letting go of them. "To the moon and back" The pair finished and pushed her cart towards her. The girl smiled and gave a last wave. Ophelia felt the anxiety in her stomach growing. She hadn't even began to think about if the school was real. Her mind was so certain it was fake. 

That the books and robes that turned up on the front cobblestone step of their home was simply another trick. Simply because 'how could someone be so cruel as to name their child Albus Dumbledore'. Yet her parents insisted. She'd never expected them to be correct in their irrational logic. Yet here Ophelia was stepping onto a train to take her to a place she believed to be a phantom. She walked on the deep velvet carpet past compartments full of chattering children. With a gulp she walked further towards the end of the train. Settling into a small room holding two other children. One being a girl reading a thick book and large glasses, and an older boy listening to music on what Ophelia knew to be a cassette player. 

Sitting by the window she rested her head against the cool glass. A small smile tracing her lips as the train pulled out of the station. It chugged along the tracks as it took the train full of student high into the highlands. Where a school sat onto of a hill. A house that held four houses. All with desirable attributes. 

Only know remembering a thin book the man by the name Dumbledore had given her. She stood and pulled it out of her satchel. 'Hogwarts a History' better to be prepared then to walk in knowing nothing. 

Little did Ophelia realize nothing could prepare for her what she was walking into. 


After a swampy boat ride and a walk into a large dark castle, Ophelia was already certain she was in over her head. A tall woman was standing at the top of a staircase. Wearing a plum colored gown and a matching hat atop her head. Thin line of smile gracing her face.

"Welcome first years. Inside of this hall is where you will attend all your meals. Once inside you must be sorted into your houses then we will all sit to eat. While you are here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will be theirs, and your sorrows will be theirs. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Follow me please" The woman said throwing the door open. 

The mass of about 40 first year students followed her. Some looking around the tables of happy students. Others looking at the teachers that sat in a line at the head of the room. Ophelia's eyes were trained up the night sky that dance above her. She recognized Orion's Belt gleaming at her.

Her eyes moved down to a shaky stool that sat at the front of the room. A shabby looking hat sat atop the stole. The folds of it seemed to create a face of it. The plum colored dressed woman pulled a scroll of parchment from the waist of her dress. "Everett Kingly" the boy strutted up and sat on the stool. The professor put the hat on the ebony haired boys head. "RAVENCLAW" the hat screamed after a minute. 

Ophelia's eyes grew wide with shock. She had never heard or seen a hat talk before. Nor had she seen a sky be bewitched. After nearly half the crowd had dwindled down, she stood near the back. "Ophelia Dot" McGonagall called. 

Wringing her hands, Ophelia walked up the stool. She took a seat and the woman set the hat on her head. She looked out at the awaiting houses. "hmm what have we here, hmm yes...lots of ambition and loyalty but where to put you...the best place for you HUFFLEPUFF!" A series of applause came from the yellow crest table. 

The girl hopped off the stool and walked over the table. A series of congratulatory words and well wishes coming her way. Sitting on the mahogany bench next to a short girl with long steely black hair. "Hello, I'm Ada!" She said happily smiling so that her glasses pushed up onto her face. "Ophelia" the girl replied with a smile. 

"What do you think they'll be serving for dinner?" Ada asked looking at the silver platter and chalice placed in front of her. "Chicken?" Ophelia answered as more of a question. "I sure hope not, I don't eat meat" Ada said with a sweet smile. "Perhaps it will be a tofu meat?" Ophelia asked with a giggle. "What is tofu?" Ada asked looking at her new friend oddly. "Is it a muggle thing?" Ada asked not giving Ophelia time to answer. 

"Muggle?" The girl asked hearing the word for the first time. "Non magical folk, are your parents muggles?" Ada asked taking a sip of her water in front of her. "Yes, they are, they're farmers. What do your parents do?" Ophelia asked. "Let the feast begin" A man at the front of the room announced as food appeared. 

"Oh, they're dead. OH! Bock choy!" 


Ada and Ophelia's friendship grew over the years. They became best friends and roommates. Along with two other girls they weren't the closest with. Ada had a care free spirit that gave her the aroura of not caring about nearly anything. Where was Ophelia stressed and poured herself into her school work. Ophelia had some of the best grades in Hufflepuff, Ada was a close behind only because she paid Ophelia 20 sickles a week to do her work. 

Now they were entering their fifth year at the school, they had learned to call home. Ophelia packed her bag the night before thinking this would be just like the earlier four. Study sessions with Ada, Cedric Diggory, Marlo Grant and Haren Bleu in the library. Trips to Honey Dukes to get muggle candy. And late night talks sitting in the kitchen over a hot cup of cocoa. 

Little did she know that one meeting would end up throwing her down a spiral of detention, and stargazing.

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