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(The outfit above) 

"Have you got everything?" Jade asked as she pulled the car into the side of the train station. "Yes mum, this is only the 30th time you asked me since 10th street" Ophelia said unbuckling her seatbelt. "Well, you kn-" "Yes I know if I've forgotten anything you'll have to strap it so an owl, and you don't feel that's the humane thing to do. Now I really have to go. I'm meeting Ada" Jade sighed and got out of the car to help Ophelia grab her things.

Once all the luggage was set on a cart, including the girls owl 'Tater' Jade stopped. She grabbed her daughter arms, her pale hands in her daughter's olive ones. "My how you've grown up" Jade said with tears pooling in her eyes. "Oh, mum no crying. I'll see you soon" Ophelia said with a somber smile. "I know" Jade said with a sigh, "Now, go learn some neat things to tell me about." Jade said giving her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't forget to write!" Jade called as her daughter made her way through the people with her cart. Ophelia sent her mother back a thumbs up as a way of recognition. The station was packed with people as it always was on the 1st of September. She walked along the parted brick eyes gazing up looking for platform 9. "Phelia! Pheia!" She heard a voice screaming from behind she turned to see Ada running at her with her uncle trailing behind.

Ada had her bag on her side while her uncle, Remus or as she referred to him, Uncle Rem pushed the rest of her belongings. In a meeting the girls had over the summer Ada told Ophelia how Dumbledore asked Remus to come and teach DADA. A class that had never been Ophelia's favorite. "Oh, I've missed you" Ada said throwing herself around her friend.

"Not like you didn't see her last week" Remus said with his signature tight smile. "You'd understand if you had close friends" Ada said wrapped her arm around Ophelia's neck. Ophelia let out a giggle and placed her arm around the girls middle. "I have friends, you just don't know them" Remus said. "Now hurry along I don't want to be late. Ophelia how's the parents?" Rems asked pushing the cart forward. As the pair of girls still not letting go of each other somehow managed to move the cart as one.

Ada gave a knowing glance at the brunette. "Yea mate, how's the 'Rents" Ophelia let out a string of laughter. "just as eccentric as ever" Ophelia said as they approached the platform. They walked through together and hardly made themselves fit as they still walked together. Remus chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes. "children" he said.

With a bit of a running start, he walked through the wall. It was the first time Remus had been to the train station since dropping Ada off her first year. It had been the first time in forever since he was going to actually be getting on the train headed towards Hogwarts. In that moment Remus felt just as nervous as the first years.

"Well ladies, I'm going to find myself a quiet place to nap. You two behave yourselves. I'm talking about you Ada" Remus said giving his niece a pointed look before grabbing his suitcase with his initials on the side. "Please, I'm the well-behaved one of this paring" Ada said as her uncle climbed into the steaming train.

"Who?" Ophelia asked grabbing her trunk and owl. "You and the rat in your pocket?" Ophelia asked with a breath. "Rude, I am very well mannered." Ada said bowing to her friend. "Just be quiet and grab your things" The brunette said shoving her blonde friend. Ada laughed and stumbled. The pair walked onto the train and headed towards the middle to find an open compartment.

Once they found one with a large baye window they sat across from one another. Ada pulled out a box of beads from her satchel. While Ophelia pulled out a book. They put their feet on each other's laps. It was normal for the pair to be oddly similar to a touchy couple, some people in third year started a rumor that the two were dating.

Ada shut down that rumor by saying that people are mistaking 'being too comfortable with one another and being in a romantic relationship, even though I would date a girl, Ophelia's not my type' "What are you doing?" Ophelia asked glancing up from her book as Ada undid, her shoe laces.

"Giving you some color to your drab life" Ada said as she strong bead onto the laces of the boots. "Don't mess up my shoes, I like these ones" Ophelia said with a frown. Knowing full and well that Ada loved crafts but was tragically horrible at them. "I won't I promise, at least not too bad." Ada said giving her friend a lop sided grin.

Ada was one of the most beautiful people Ophelia knew, next to her mother. Ada had a short blonde bob that only she could off. Her eyes were a crystal color that always held a story. She was short but it was a good height. Ada's blindness to her beauty was one of her biggest flaws.

Ophelia thought that perhaps Ada's parents death at a young age affected her body image. Having a mother while growing up to tell you are beautiful really helps shape a girls mine. Jade was always very good at making her daughter feel pretty while also helping her to know that beauty is not just your facial features and body.

"And done" Ada said retying her friends laces. Ada had made a flower out of black and yellow beads that were intertwined with her laces. "That's delightful, and you got it right" Ophelia laughed and lifted her foot to get a better view. "Always so quick to judge" Ada laughed and pet her cat that sat in her lap. "When have my art skills ever let you down?" She asked lifting an eyebrow

Ophelia widened her brown eyes, shocked her roommate would even bring all her failed art. "How about the tie-dye that ended up making your bed spread turn brown?" Ophelia asked with a smile, putting her finger inside of her book. Ada sat up and raised her finger to argue. "Or perhaps the lanterns that lit on fire and nearly scorched that poor Ravenclaw" Ada now fully sat up.

"How in the world could that be my fault? They were in the way of my fireball" Ada said crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not that you burned the boy, it's that you lit an entire lantern on fire." Ophelia said with a laugh. "Whatever" Ada mumbled and leaned her head against the window.

"Anything from the trolley dear?" The sweet woman asked. "Can I get two ice pumpkin juices and three chocolate frogs?" Ophelia asked the woman handing her a handful of money. "Of course," The woman got everything needed and handed to her. "Safe travels ladies" She said giving a kind smile "Thanks ma'am" The pair said at the same time. "Here you are brat" Ophelia said handing Ada a pumpkin juice and two chocolate frogs.

"Thank you sucker" Ada said chuckling and taking a sip of the juice. Ophelia rolled her eyes and looked out the window as the rain and wind whipped around. "Awfully eerie outside" She mumbled. "I think you mean damp, going to be a great mushroom season" Ada said smiling.

It became tradition for the two girls to spend their Saturday mornings going to find mushroom along the edge of the forbidden forest. Sometimes joined by a lingering Hagrid to show them an animal he either recently became in possession of or read about. Sometimes Neville Longbottom as well. Ophelia thought perhaps Ada and Neville had a crush on another. Or they simply both lusted over fungus with each other. Either way Ophelia thought it was endearing.

"Yes, excellent year for heterotrophic fungi" Ophelia said in a formal voice. "Yes, we shall collect a fine specimen" Ada said in the same tone. Suddenly the lights in their cabin went out. They flickered and a cold crept in. "What is it?" Ada asked looking outside to see a black figure coming onto the train. "I-I don't know" Ophelia said fear running through her.

Having had read about the murder Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban. She hadn't told her parents, not wanting to worry them. "Could it b-" She was cut off by something going past the door peering in. "What in the bloody hell is that?" Ophelia said once it left. "A dementor, Uncle Rem told me about them. They remove all the happiness from your life. They must be looking for Sirius Black" Ada said pulling her cardigan a little closer to herself.

"Well, I hope they don't stay" Ophelia said, "Me too" Ada said nodding watching the ice melt off the windows. "Yea, you don't need any competition of draining the happiness from my life." Ophelia said with a grin. "HEY!" Ada nodded along at first before understanding what she said. Ophelia laughed.

In the back of her head she held the hopeful expectancy that this year would be normal.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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