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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Murdoc screamed.

"Oh... well.. I was called because MY BOYFRIEND had gotten into an accident." Duncan replied with a smirk. Oli was holding on tight to his arm.

"No! You two broke up a long time ago! He's MY BOYFRIEND not YOURS" Murdoc emphasized.

"THATS WRONG! He's MY BOYFRIEND!" Mega added with a yell.

"Hey, let's not fight. I'm sure you two were good friends of mine but I honestly can't remember you at the moment. If you could give me and Duncan a moment? I really missed him" Oli added before the fight got serious.

"Yeah.. give us a moment" Duncan mocked as he added a kiss on Oli's cheek well staring directly at Murdoc and Mega.

Murdoc had his balled up fist and was ready to move a hit on Duncan but before he could take 2 steps, Mega put his hand on Murdoc chest, stopping him...

"It's not worth it, I too know this is wrong but until Oli regains his memories back... we have to comply." Mega muttered out in a sad tone, and made his was out the room not forgetting to glance back at Oli.

"Mark your days, we ALL know what you are doing is wrong. Taking advantage of Oli's loss of memories." Murdoc retored as he made his way out the door.

"Ah, I'm sorry about them. They seem to be my friends? But I only remember you." Oli stated.

"Oh don't worry love, it will all be alright" Duncan smiled with a hint of evil...

"Oh, what exactly happened to me again?" Oli questioned.

Duncan saw an amazing opportunity, one that was true but with a stretch of the truth it would be even better.

"Those two, Murdoc and Megamind... they stabbed you. You said something they didn't like and they stabbed you. Of course they feel guilty now but only because they know they will get in big trouble" Duncan exaggerated. It was not the real truth but with the stab in Oli's stomach and his loss of memories, Oli believed him,

- Stay tuned!!

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