Broken Wings and Angels Grace (Sabriel)

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“Why don’t you go cry to your mommy?!”

“OH wait! He doesn’t have one!” The kids laughed as Sam tried to duck away and get to class. He was only eight. He didn’t want to have to deal with this. One of the kids was about to throw a punch and Sam flinched expectantly. Only, the punch never hit and the bully shrieked in surprise. Sam opened his eyes to see a very angry looking man defending him. All Sam could see was a pair of large golden wings and the back of a tan jacket. A dangerous voice rumbled from the angel as the bully watched him with huge eyes.

“Back off kid.” The angel snapped. He had to be an angel. Sam couldn’t describe him in any other way. The group of bullies fled and the winged man turned to Sam. His eyes softening as he knelt down in front of the startled boy.

“H-Hello.” Sam murmured. His eyes as wide as saucers as he looked at the man who had defended him. The man cracked a smile at Sams shy voice before offering a hand.

“Hi kiddo, I’m Gabriel.” He said as Sam warily shook his hand.

“Hi Gabriel… I’m Sam.” Sam said, trying to be brave as he clutched his books against his chest again.

“I know that, I just wanted to say, I’m your guardian angel, whenever you need help, just send a prayer my way and I’m yours.” Gabe said as he patted the shy boy on the shoulder. Earning a surprised nod. 

“Okay Gabriel.” 

Gabriel silently cursed himself as his hands trembled and the rain washed down around him. Great idea Gabe, you’re just the smartest archangel out there aren’t you? Where was he? Why did his back hurt so much? Why did he even feel pain? His mind raced as a slight groan left his lips. Suddenly there was a bright light speeding towards him. The sound of tires hissing over wet asphalt and then yelling. The car had stopped and two gruff voices were arguing as Gabriel slowly faded into darkness.

When he woke again he was lying on a large bed, dry and warm, with gauze wrapped around his torso and stitches where the broken glass or rocks or whatever had dug too deep into his skin. He blinked at the light that came from a lamp on the bedside table as he shifted and sat up. Where was he? His back still hurt but now he was just disgruntled and a bit freaked out. He looked around confusedly. And jumped when the door creaked open. It was Sam, Sam Winchester.

“Moose?” Gabe asked. His voice rough and grating in his throat. Sam bit his lip as he stepped into the room and handed the ex-angel a glass of water. Which Gabe accepted warily.

“You’ve been out for three days.” Sam sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed. Gabes eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow. A few strands of hair falling into his confused golden eyes. 

“Three days? I don’t even sleep.” Gabe shook his head in denial. There was no way. He had never done anything wrong. He had just stepped aside and let everyone else do the killing if they pleased.

“Well, you’re going to have to get used to it. I had to stitch you up, you don’t want to know what state your back was in.” Sam shook his head and looked down at his hands.

“I haven’t seen you in years. I thought you were dead.” Sam said quietly. Gabe frowned and shifted into a sitting position as he watched the younger Winchester.

“I’m sorry, I did what I had to do Sam.” Gabe sighed as he pulled his legs up and patted the spot on the bed next to himself.

“You could have at least told us that you were alive.” Sam said softly as he sat down next to Gabriel. The bed dipping slightly under his weight.

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