Letters to Nobody (Sabriel)

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It's gonna be called Letters to a Dead Man

Anyways, have fun with this


There were so many things I needed to tell you. But I guess Lucifer ended that didn't he? I wish I could have told you everything. How gorgeous you really were. How much I missed seeing you sometimes. I know that you'll never read this letter. But I just thought something like this might help. I wish you were still here. I miss your stupid pranks and how you loved to mess with us. I don't know why, I just miss you. I know I shouldn't, I know that I should be happy you're gone. That you can't make my life hell. Or Deans for that matter. But. I would be willing to have all of that bad stuff back, just to have the good parts. Your smile, your laugh. Your stupidly gorgeous eyes. I don't even want to know what Dean would say if he saw this letter and me getting all sappy and everything. I just want you to be back, I just wish you would appear and say something stupidly witty to annoy Dean. C'mon, you've faked your death before. Please just make this another one of those times.

I shouldn't be missing you



I honestly don't know when I'll see you again. Or even if you'll ever see this stupid ass letter that I'm writing. Why I decided to write this? I haven't the foggiest idea. I just wanted to tell you that I'm not dead. How could I be writing this if I was? Total badass archangel skills maybe. Who knows. Anyways. Yeah Luci is a dick and he did manage to stick an angel blade in my gut. Not only was that rude, but Dad wasn't too happy about it either. So poof. Here I am. Alive and, almost well. I kinda miss you and your weirdo brother. Okay maybe I miss you more than a little. I'm just gonna stop here before things get weird

Your favorite archangel


You total jerk

I don't know why I'm mourning you. I shouldn't be. Honestly. I shouldn't be torn up about this at all. I shouldn't be thinking about you 24/7. It's honestly annoying. I don't know why I miss you. I refuse to believe that I ever cared about you. God, I just want to get you out of my head so I can sleep. I haven't been able to sleep well since you went and got yourself stabbed. Dean is getting worried and I think he's about ready to start knocking me out at night. Or asking if Lucifer is bugging me again. And I don't know what to say. Cause this is almost worse. I see you everywhere. I'm silently hating you. I really am. But I just can't for some reason. I want you here. Hell, I'm half expecting Dean to just die randomly and you to make some grand show of coming back. Come on you dick. You can't be dead.

Conflicted and frustrated


Hello again

Okay, I may have forgotten to say something in my last letter. I may be back. But. Uh. I'm not an angel anymore. Which sucks. I'm just Gabriel now. Not the archangel. Which is, in my opinion, bullshit. For two reasons. One, the obvious lack of powers. And two, it's incredibly hard to find you. I hope you know that. I should just ask Dad. Maybe he can help somehow. I just needed to tell you that. I'm not gonna ramble this time.

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