2-He's just so perfect

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(Dream POV)

(Thoughts are in italics!!)

Uhgg.. the party is tonight. I sigh as i open my closet door. I've never really been the best with parties, usually a side character while Sapnap takes the show. I honestly don't know how he does it. He's just...so confident around people. That doesn't mean I can't have my own confident times myself, but more of that I get overwhelmed in crowded areas.

Shaking my head of negative thoughts, I run my hand through my hung up clothes, searching for something presentable.

Now, out of all of the people in my school, I am known as the one who everybody wishes would dress up like an e boy but nobody will say that to my face. I actually have no clue what everybody's deal with e boys are, but I mean it wouldn't hurt to try and wear something along those lines.

Rummaging though the bottom of piles and the back of railings, I find a lime green cropped short sleeved hoodie. That will work I suppose. I find some normal pants because i'm already being risky and call it a day. I suppose I could bring out my boots tonight, but it'll really make Sapnap look like a child.

On the topic of Sapnap...

I sat down on my bed and flopped back, sighing when my back hit the mattress.

I took out my phone, checking the time. I have an hour before I'm supposed to be picking up Sap. That seems like enough time for me.

Unlocking the phone, I go onto messages. I scroll down once and see his contact, clicking it, I type out the following:

"hey gog can i rant to u rlly rlly rlly rlly quickly it's not like sad i just wanna say somethin"

It's only midnight in Britain so he should be up, knowing him.

My phone buzzes.

"Yeah sure I guess"- George 😻🤢

I nodded subconsciously and clicked the call button. It rang for a second and then I heard a familiar British boy.

"Heeey Gog," I stretch out.

"I'm pretty tired, what did you need to talk about?" George asked, sounding sleepy.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry if this is really sudden but I..," I hesitated, wondering if I should even say any of this.

"Well I just. Why is Sapnap so perfect!" I hastily spat out.


"Like not even in a romantic way or anything, he's just so perfect! He always helps me with work because he understands it! He always is at the center of the show because he's just THAT perfect! Everybody wants to be his friend and he gets recognized so many times! I just, I just, I don't know! He has the perfect family and perfect life! I'm just Dream on the sidelines, his friend that nobody knows that much about! God he's just so perfect..." I ranted on and on to George about how perfect Sapnap was.

"Dream.. you sound like a psychopath," George said when I was done.

"Wh-. Huh? What do you mean?" I said, a little out of breath from talking so much.

"Well I mean you literally just told me he was perfect for 20 minutes. That's kind of sus, Dream," George pointed out.

"I didn't mean it in a romantic way!" I scrambled to say.

"Mhm sure you didn't. Also, it just sounds like you're realizing how much you like him. In all truth he isn't even all that you're saying he is," George hummed through the other end.

"Haah. You wish, I'm just stating facts," I smiled.

"Mmmmhmm," George said sarcastically. "Don't you have a perfect boy to pick up pretty soon?" he reminded me.

"Oh shit, you're right!" I exclaimed as I sat up quickly. "I gotta go George!" I yelled as I hit the hang up button.

I threw my phone down with no regard for the status of the phone screen itself, and ran over and grabbed the clothing I had laid out.

While getting dressed, I pondered on what George had said to me during our call. Was Sapnap even all that perfect? Or do I just like him?

I pushed that last question aside, of course I think he's perfect! He's my bestfriend! We've known eachother for...how long? I'd say 7 years.

I mean I guess I do get kind of jealous when other people are having good conversations with him, but now isn't even the time to worry about that. If I'm late to pick him up, I'll never be able to hear the end of it.


Hopping in my car, I check myself in my rear view mirror. Mmm damn my hair looks good today! I start the car and turn on the radio, playing Glass Animals, and start making my way to Sap's house.

/At Sapnap's House/

I pulled up to Sapnap's house and parked my car outside.

Pulling out my phone, I click on the contact  "dicknap 🤪🙄"  and shoot him a "i'm here get your ass out here b4 i leave" message.

Soon enough I see the front doorknob jiggle and out comes Sapnap. Maybe he looks perfect in everything too. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie under a white shirt with something red on it, I couldn't really tell from far away, with his signature bandana.

Sapnap came over to the other side of my car and opened the door. "I call shotgun!" he exclaimed, sitting down.

"There's nobody else in this car, asshat," I said, cracking a smile.

"Yeah well that doesn't meant I can't call shotgun, does it?" Sapnap asked, propping his feet up on my dashboard. "Also what is even on the radio? I bet I can find something way better," he said, reaching over for the radio.

While he was doing that, I started to zone out, thinking about what George had said again...

/Chapter End/
WC: 1040
Date: 21 Feb, 2021

AN: Hello all! Thanks for reading the second chapter, I apologize if the story is starting to go too fast, I can try to change it up if you'd like! Also, it can go either in an angsty way or in my normal plan if anybody wants to suggest what they want! See you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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