Chapter 1

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Phil pulled up into the driveway and put the car in park, and as he stepped out took a glance at the scenery. He could hear his two sons opening up their doors and stepping out as well. In front of them stood a nice two-story house with a beautiful yard with what looks like a garden.

Behind him, Wilbur and Techno walked up to the front of the car. For a second both stood there in silence before Wilbur suddenly took off screaming, "First come first serve!"

After getting over his shock Techno also took off after Wilbur and crashed into him as the door was still locked. Failing to stifle his laughter, Philza walked up to his sons as they were on the floor glaring up at him. With his shaking shoulders, Phil unlocked the door and Techno ran inside and up the stairs with Wilbur hot on his tail.

Shaking his head Phil walked down to the car and opened up the trunk to grab their suitcases.

When Techno made it to the top of the stairs he was met with five doors, after opening the two doors to the left of the stairs he learned that they were a closet and a bathroom. Next to the bathroom though was the third door and when Techno opened it he saw a bedroom, it was quite basic with a dark wood drawer, dresser, and bed frame with forest green covers. There was also a window facing the garden and a wardrobe beside it.

"Hey Techno whaddya find?" Wilbur asked as he entered the room and let out a hum of approval. Techno turned to face his brother. "I call this room."

Wilbur took a second glance around the room, "Well, I have no complaints. C'mon there are two other doors."

As the two boys were exiting the room Techno paused at the door staring behind him at the window. WIlbur turned his head to face his brother, "Hey Techno, you good?"

With hesitance Techno turned back to face Wilbur, "Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine, just thought I saw something is all." He put on a small forced smile. Wilbur shrugged in return before heading to the door closest to the right side of the stair. Techno following slowly behind still feeling creeped out.

From behind stood a small brunette, he held a curious gaze in his eyes. He watched as the two walked over to thee next door and vanished from view.

When the boys opened the second door they could immediately tell it was the master bedroom and decided that their father could have it. Once they closed the door they made their way to the final room on the upper floor.

The room itself was also plain with matching decor like the first one but instead had red covers and what seemed to be a gaming setup. There was a desk pushed up against the furthest wall and a decent gaming chair to go with it.

Wilbur looked over his shoulder at Techno, "Well looks like I'm taking this room." The two stood in silence for a bit before their father's voice carried upstairs, "Hey boys, come help me with the suitcases!"

Both boys ran downstairs again to help their father pull the suitcases inside and closed the door while their father started on lunch. Upstairs, however, two boys appeared seemingly out of nowhere and stood in the hallway.

The same small brunette and a tall lanky blonde kid were conversing with each other while the other three inhabitants seemed oblivious. The blonde opened his mouth and spoke in a hurry, "Tubbo do you see these dickheads! Walking around like they own the place, claiming our rooms as their own!" Tubbo shook his head at his friend's antics, "C'mon man this place has been on sale for ages. Someone was bound to rent or buy it sooner or later."

Rolling his eyes Tommy went invisible and floated downstairs. The three men were sitting around munching on sandwiches while Wilbur was telling stories. He also managed to make himself laugh so hard that he started choking on his sandwich. This then caused Philza to freak out and Techno laughed Wilbur's stupidity, "Haha, what a nerd!".

Tommy turned back to face his friend and in a hushed shout said, "See Tubbo! They're complete idiots!" Once again Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up Tommy go screw around with those discs of yours so you can shut up!" Tommy grew red from embarrassment and spun around, "Oi! Shut up you prick! And you know what maybe I will!"

Tommy then vanished as Tubbo watched the family of three mess around. Once Wilbur had calmed down enough he resumed eating his sandwich, unaware of what happened a couple of feet away from him. Once Wibur finished eating he turned to Philza, "Hey, dadza do you think we can go check out the town later?"

Philza held a contemplating look on his face, "Hmm I don't see why not." His face turned to a stern look, "But only after we unpack." With much gusto both boys finished their sandwich and began pulling their boxes upstairs, though there was an issue with missing items. Wilbur had misplaced his guitar and couldn't find it, despite searching all over the house. Techno had also lost his sabre (fencing sword, I think?).

Phil watched as his boys ran around looking for their stuff in the living room, "Maybe you boys didn't bring it with you?" Techno stopped looking and turned to face his father, "No we definitely did, I distinctly remember packing it away and Wilbur never separates from his dummb guitar for long"

Just as Techno finished speaking a sound echoed throughout the house, normally those three don't get spooked by a house creaking but this sent chills down their spines.

The sound wasn't from the house but in fact was the sound of someone playing the guitar, all three shared the same thought.

Who the fuck is in the house...

Techno took another glance at the two beside him and started up the stairs, Philza grabbed Techno's wrist and harshly whispered, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Techno pried his hand off and turned back to the stairs, "I'm gonna see who broke into our house, duh." Slowly but surely Techno went up the stairs with Phil and Wilbur right behind him. As the three crept upstairs the sound of the guitar got louder and when they reached the top they could tell the sound was coming from the room Techno claimed.

And despite being positive he left the door open. The door was shut all the way closed, when Techno barely grazed the door knob the music stopped. All three men shared a confused glance before Techno opened the door, the room looked exactly the same and there was no sign of anyone in the room.

But there on the bed laid Wilbur's guitar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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