Getting to know lexiss

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Real name ; Alexis
Age ; 15
Birthday ; may 12
Ima Girly Girl a lil bit ; i love sports ; hopefully this year i can try out for Cheerleading ; Basketball ; && maybe volleyball .. Yes i'm a active person 💦
# Pretty Sweat Crew
I'm nice 😊
I like helping people , that like helping their self . 💜
I like talking to people && making new friends 💓👫👭
- i like texting && having fun 😜😝
- Beach is Life 💓🌴🏊🏄😝
- i love Shoes ( Jordan's , Nikes , && etc )
- i like Clothes .. A lot ( 💓💕💜 ) lol i can send ya'll some , because i have some i don't want &&) you send me some too . So it's a Trade - Trade Deal . I PROMISE I don't stank ; i smell like Olay Soap && Olay Lotion && also blue berry lotion 💙💦 .
---- ya'll just let me know what ya'll wanna do lol , i'm dead serious ..
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💓 love ya'll byee 😘

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