Love at first sight

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Louis escorted his sisters down to the ballroom when they finally were ready. They seemed to be the last ones to arrive but Louis couldn't care less. That only meant that he had to spend less time with other people. He probably had to dance with someone and he hated that. He of course knew all the dances, he was the Crown Prince of his country after all, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed it.

There were mostly women in the room but to his surprise, there were a couple of men as well. They were all standing around talking. Charlotte and Felicity pulled him closer to the stage where the Queen and King were sitting, along with a younger woman, the princess? Prince Harry was nowhere to be seen. Louis snorted. He was probably one of those who loved the attention so he was going for a grand entrance.

He wanted to burst out laughing when a trumpet fanfare sounded a couple of minutes later and he stared down at the floor so no one would see his grin when someone shouted
"Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Harry!"

Harry walked out on stage and waved awkwardly. He had begged the King to not do this but he hadn't been attentive at all. He looked around and his eyes fell on a man in front of him. Feather light brown hair hid his face as the man stared down on the floor and Harry was intrigued. Who was this man? His outfit told him that he was a Prince. Harry's heart beat fast from excitement and then the Prince looked up and their eyes met. They stared at each other in surprise and a smile slowly spread over Harry's lips. He had forgotten about the room full of people at the moment. All he could focus on were those beautiful blue eyes that looked right at him.

He jumped off the stage and walked right up to the man in question.
"Hi, I'm Harry, and you are?" He asked with a curious smile.

"Louis." The man answered and looked around uncomfortably. Everybody was staring at them.

"Wanna dance?" Harry asked and tilted his head to the side, still smiling.

Louis's eyes grew wide. Was he serious? His breath got stuck in his throat and he just shook his head fiercely.
"No? Too bad. It would have been fun." Harry said with sparkling eyes. He looked to Louis's left.

"Hi Lottie and Fizzie, so this is your brother?"

"Yes." Lottie answered, eyeing them curiously.

"He just turned me down. How about that?" Harry said and pouted but his eyes had a mischievous sparkle in them.

All of a sudden a voice spoke up. It was one of the Princes from the middle east.
"Does the little one with the cheekbones know that the Prince is in love with him?" He said sarcastically.

Louis blushed crimson red. This wasn't happening. What the hell was Harry doing? Was he trying to embarrass him in from of all these people? Then he had succeeded. Louis was absolutely mortified. All eyes were on him and he hated that sort of attention. He turned around abruptly and walked out of the ballroom, heading for the rose garden.

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