Dance the night away

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He had reached the rose garden when he heard running steps behind him and he turned around to face the person following him. To his surprise, Harry stopped in front of him.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you." Harry said out of breath.

Louis stared at him in disbelief.
"Really? Maybe you shouldn't have joked about asking me to dance than in front of everyone."

"Well, that wasn't exactly a joke." Harry replied and bit his lower lip and he hurried to add "but I'm sorry, I just got excited to see you and kind of forgot where we were."

Was he for real?
"Why me? What are you talking about?"

"You're gorgeous!" Harry smiled and blushed.

"Oh, ehm, thanks? So are you." Louis answered and blushed as well.

They just stood there staring at each other awkwardly. This was new territory for both of them. Harry smiled, showing off both dimples.
"I think I have to get back inside. You know, obligations and all that." He said with an eye roll.

"Don't let me keep you from finding a wife." Louis chuckled.

"I think we both know that's a dead end. Please join me, I promise to keep the embarrassment to a minimum." Harry smiled.

Louis hesitated.
"How can you be so open about this? It will cause a scandal."

"I can't change who I am." Harry answered with a shoulder shrug.

They walked inside again. Harry was immediately surrounded by princesses and Louis removed himself from the situation and joined his sisters. When he saw the look on their faces he regretted it and wished that he was in his room back home instead.
"You like boys?" Charlotte asked. She was always very straightforward.

"Lottie!" Louis gasped and looked around to see if anyone had heard her.

She crossed her arms over her chest.
"It's a legit question and it would explain a whole lot." She said and then she smiled.

Louis gulped nervously and his eyes flickered between his sisters.
"What if I do?" He said quietly.

"I don't care." Charlotte answered and Felicity added "me neither."

"What? But I'm a Prince!" Louis said.

"So?" Felicity questioned.

Louis peered at them and then he smiled, looking relieved.
"How did you even know? It's not like I smooched the guy."

"The way you looked at each other said it all, and as I said before, Prince Harry is a catch. Go talk to him." Charlotte said and raised an eyebrow.

"Talk? Me? You know how awkward I can be." Louis protested but his sisters gave him a push in Harry's direction.

"Well, maybe you should take him io on that dance then?" Felicity suggested.

" front of all these people?" Louis asked nervously.

"Don't think so much, act!" Charlotte said and gave him another push.

Louis gulped and took a couple of hesitating steps toward Harry and then he thought "fuck it!"

He walked right up to Harry and cleared his voice. Harry turned around and smiled.
"I'm ready for that dance now." Louis mumbled nervously.

Harry's smile grew bigger and he took a step closer and put his hand on Louis's shoulder. Louis put his hand on Harry's hip and grabbed his hand and started to Walz. The people around them whispered loudly but they only had eyes for each other while Louis lead the Prince around the dance floor. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

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