chapter 1

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She felt the floor rattle and heard buzzing noises. She opened her eyes gently to see nothing but darkness. The cold floor on which she lay was pushed upwards with full force so hard that the girl was pressed against the ground with her head. Her head pounded as if it could be her last day. She gently lifted her hand to her head. Blood. Suddenly she realized she didn't know her name. What's My Name? She thought. How come I don't know anything anymore. She carefully crawled back on all fours until she hit a wall.

What's the matter with me? Please say this is a nightmare. The blood kept flowing against her now bloody hand. She began to wander.

I am losing too much blood. She thought. A few seconds later she felt the darkness coming and knocking her out.

She saw light coming through her closed eyelids. Very slowly her eyes opened. Bright light blinded her. The metal box seemed to rattle. Someone jumped in, but she was too weak to do anything about it. She heard boys talking.

"A girl, how is that possible"

'She is beautiful'

"Shut up, she's already mine, I saw her first"

"A girl, finally"

The boy standing in the "box" touched her arm. Her head, which was previously on the ground, turned directly to the boy standing there.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. The name is Newt. "He said as he reached out to greet her. She still couldn't see that boy very well through her blinded eyes, but she saw blond hair. She didn't have enough strength to shake his hand, so she just lay there.

"Where am I?" She asked. "The Glade," said the so-called Newt. Now she saw him better. She saw his blond hair gleaming in the sun. Then she looked at his eyes and saw that 2 beautiful innocent brown eyes were looking at her. She quickly looked away.

"Come on Newt how long is it down there. Are you already kissing or something? "

She heard a boy shout. She heard the rest laughing. She looked at Newt just then shouting, "Shut up, clunky heads." What the hell is a klunkhead she thought. "Is it okay if I pick you up, you have to get out of here someday because that head wound doesn't look so good." Newt said. She nodded very carefully. What else would she always have to stay there for this she thought. She felt his hands under her neck and one under her knees so that she was in his arms. She leaned her head against his shoulder. She was so weak and confused. They were taken out of "the box" and she heard Newt screaming. "MED-JACKSSSS !!!!" she did not know what she saw. A large field with a forest and around it in man-sized gray walls. "What is this place?" she whispered. Newt heard that. Just before she entered the darkness, she heard him say. "Welcome to the Glade Greenie". She knew it was Newt, it was his distinct accent. What is a Glade and Greenie what the heck? Just when she thought about it, it turned black.

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